Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Less practical perhaps than spices , but also commanding the highest prices in the auction houses of Europe , were the precious shells which came from the Moluccas — named after " molluscs " .
2 He was pictured in the Sun kissing his girlfriend Karen Levy on the same day that the club held a third anniversary memorial service for 95 fans who died in the Hillsborough disaster .
3 Darlington ladies held Boston well away from home and on the two rinks who played at the Morrison Centre .
4 Four porters who worked at the Heathrow Penta Hotel refused to meet or greet guests , deliver keys to rooms or move luggage if a guest transferred to a new room .
5 From among this small group of people were to be founded the only Iranians who remained with the Shah and Queen in the months to come .
6 The talk fuelled anxiety among Tory backbenchers who returned to the Commons with more gloomy news about the damaging impact of the Government 's spending review in their constituencies .
7 THE BRAVERY of the four teenagers who died in the Dorset canoe tragedy emerged last night as the parents of one victim spoke of how they all tried to help each other survive .
8 Whatever momentous steps they took in the Devonian , the lungfish and lobe fins have been very conservative since , for the living lungfish are clearly similar to their Palaeozoic relatives and coelacanth lobe fins like the living genus ( Latimeria ) are known from Cretaceous rocks .
9 THE FIRST American anthropologist to enter rural China since the communist revolution has been expelled from Stanford University after writing about the barbaric birth control methods he witnessed in the Pearl River delta of south-east China .
10 Unlike his older brothers he went to a Franco — Annamite school and obtained a certificate in 1907 .
11 … stout Cortez , when with eagle eyes He stared at the Pacific — and all his men Looked at each other with wild surmise — Silent , upon a peak in Darién .
12 The tribunal was told that , following a review , the company decided to make redundant 16 drivers at the quarries it operated in the East Midlands .
13 With these words he ran at the Husayn twins and started to belabour them with his plastic sword .
14 AUDLEY LUMSDEN lines up on Oxford University 's right wing against Cambridge next Tuesday haunted by the chilling words he heard on a March Saturday in 1989 .
15 Unlike the role it played in the IFL , political anti-semitism never became a total ideological explanation of all the imagined ills of British society for most of the official leadership of the BUF , though there were obvious exceptions like William Joyce and some of the speakers he trained for the East End campaign of 1935 — 7 .
16 Henry died twelve days later , and much of Eliot 's time during the two months he stayed in the United States was spent in winding up his affairs .
17 This had a greater impact on Moscow since it was followed by the declaration on the neutrality of Laos on 23 July adopted by the states which participated in the Geneva Conference .
18 The case was seen as demonstrating the legal difficulties involved in using the judicial system of unified Germany to deal with cases which occurred under the East German legal system .
19 Edwin Montagu , Secretary of State for India , had arrived in Delhi for the discussions which resulted in the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms , the first concession to Indian nationalism .
20 This is an ancient road , the middle one of the three Roman roads which went over the Pyrenees , though it is worth pursuing all the way to the frontier , in my view , only if you want to enter Spain ( the small , walled town of Jaca , half an hour or so 's drive down the other side , is extremely attractive ) .
21 A committed member of the circle of reformers which centred on the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich , he spent four years in the second half of the 1850s investigating the financial procedures of various west European countries and the United States .
22 It is plausible that on one level this new démarche was directed at Indian reservations about Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and the intensified tensions which ensued in the Indian Ocean .
23 Slovenian-made goods such as iron utensils from the forges in the forested uplands which lay alongside the Laibach-Trieste artery ; timber ; quicksilver from the mines at Idrija ; farm produce , notably wool , cattle , fruits , grain and honey , were the principal exports .
24 His own practice , as recorded in one of a series of articles which appeared in the Manchester Guardian in October and November 1930 * by one of the pupils who attended the evening classes he held there once a week between 1925 and 1927 , was from a drawing to make a careful sketch in various hades of one colour , obtaining in this way the construction of the picture and the suggestion for various tonal values .
25 Rather than highlighting is internal problems — procedures , policies and matters of individual performance — the school tended to place the spotlight on external matters — the changing intake and the increase in the number of pupils with learning difficulties — and matters which reflected on the LEA 's own accountabilities — over staffing and resources .
26 In view of these deficiencies , it was hardly surprising that the reformers who centred on the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich addressed themselves to transforming the courts very soon after Alexander II ascended the throne .
27 Three of the region 's judges who invested in the Lloyds insurance market could stand to loose a small fortune .
28 Both were deeply religious , highly intelligent , moralistic southerners who went to the White House as amateurs and outsiders .
29 When rights of conquest or hereditary rights had placed two or more territories under a medieval ruler , he was quite accustomed to finding that they were ruled under different constitutions and he would not think of trying to impose a uniform system of government on them ; Queen Elizabeth had rights and duties in England that were rather different from the rights and duties she had in the Channel Islands , which were all that was left of William the Conqueror 's Norman territories , and it was perfectly natural for each new English acquisition overseas to be won on terms that differed from what had happened previously .
30 They longed for the hats and shoes they saw in the Galeries Lafayette .
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