Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mathematics was my subject , I was simply transferring what talents I had in that direction from one held to another . ’
2 Many times I moved from one state to the other until I mustered the strength to cling to the twilight zone without slipping back into darkness .
3 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
4 And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a fantasy of Edgar Allan Poe 's .
5 But Roosevelt was close to death , and the British had to wait another two years until the " brain-wave " at last arrived in the form of discreet signals from the US State Department — signals which led in due course to the European Recovery Programme and Marshall Aid .
6 However , there continued to be successes from individual business units which resulted from another year of good effort , team work and commitment by Wimpol staff throughout the Group .
7 The pictures which led to such demand for the Daily Mirror that the Sold Out signs went up at newsagents all over the country .
8 A couple strolled past on clicking heels which echoed from one side of the road to the other .
9 Waldendale means the dale of the Welshman , Welsh being a word once used to describe any foreigner , though in this case it probably refers to the last remnants of the Celtic peoples who retreated to this dale in the face of Norse and Anglo-Saxon expansion .
10 Political officers would be attached to units who worked in close co-operation with line officers .
11 The museum had taken over the northern end of the building but the main hall of what had been Damiani 's factory , with its vaulted roof and tunnels , was in semi-derelict condition , leased on occasion to a firm of Iranian-born Jews who dealt in Persian art .
12 Marx and Engels suggest that priests were the first ideologists who emerged at this stage .
13 The pictures she shot for the cinema were negligible compared to the pictures she shot for pure publicity .
14 Then four brothers turned up in a bus and killed three brothers who lived in that house next door .
15 Coats of arms of the merchants who built the houses four hundred years ago catch the eye , as do those of the guilds and craftsmen who flourished in old Stein .
16 I told him all about Marie and showed him the pictures we took in that photo booth .
17 They were the last words they spoke to each other .
18 But Greece 's have become a lot worse than most other people 's because of a couple of things those centuries it spent under Ottoman rule did to it .
19 Among the informants he met in this way was a Lebanese Army officer known as ‘ The Captain' , with close connections to the Jafaar clan .
20 NIKI LAUDA HAS named the latest LaudaAir aircraft after the man whose cars he drove to two world championship titles in 1975 and 1977 .
21 But his philosophy that when your ‘ time 's up your time 's up ’ saw him through and he 's back to tell the tale , though sadly he chose not to include the pictures he took at that time .
22 I believe in the case of these baths it took about one man year to do that transformation .
23 Thus equipped , he could dash off two caricatures for publication within the day : but in the case of the coloured books he worked with greater care .
24 At intervals throughout the next months he worked on this material , in preparation for his show at the Lefevre Gallery in September 1951 and for other exhibitions .
25 Although the CNAA acquired this new set of privileged partners , it also retained those institutions which shared to one extent or another in the provision of higher education .
26 If Romania was to get cheap credits and access to high-tech goods it needed to prove its credit-worthiness to the prestigious foreign institutions which specialized in economic analysis .
27 Early evaluation of the CADDIS prototype was carried out in conjunction with ATE personnel which resulted in greater confidence in the general approach coupled with acceptance and participation in the general approach .
28 The binding of items emerged as the second most important reason for their non-availability , accounting for around one in five ( 21% ) of unsatisfied requests , while the Library 's inability to locate items when they were requested ( 10% ) , and a tendency for some readers to submit requests for items not appearing in the Library 's catalogues ( 10% ) were additional reasons which occurred with some frequency .
29 LOTHIAN REGION opened for business in 1975 and can trace its roots back to the local authorities which existed before that date .
30 For while it was happy for the advisory team to devise policies which went into considerable detail about aspects of classroom practice which are surely for schools and teachers to determine , it remained relatively aloof from one area of school life — home-school links-where policy might usefully and helpfully have stipulated not just goals and commitments but also a range of procedures from which schools could choose .
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