Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [modal v] [be] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 As I am unable to call to discuss these with you in person during bank opening hours I should be grateful for a reply in writing which I can present to the Council at their next meeting on 2 April 1992 .
2 That there would be areas within those sectors which would be suitable for a new a new settlement .
3 In order to preserve certain client relationships it may be necessary for a partner ( not responsible for the particular specialisation required ) to maintain personal control whilst delegating the execution of the task to the group or department concerned .
4 They recommended , therefore , seven regional authorities which would be responsible for most of the major local authority services and thirty-seven district authorities .
5 Skelmersdale is a new town with many former council houses which would be ideal for conversion from rents to mortgages .
6 The multiplier , 1/ ( mps + mpm ) , ignores foreign repercussions which could be significant for a country with a large foreign trade sector .
7 The author 's aim is to provide an account of the chemistry and analytical techniques associated with compounds of these three elements which would be suitable for non-analytical chemists and engineers .
8 The Management Committee will appoint a Director , or Directors who will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Compact .
9 In ‘ grey ’ areas it would be appropriate for no fines to be levied initially , until some cases had established whether a particular practice was generally an abuse of market power .
10 The ‘ trade union question ’ would cease to haunt the Labour Party and while that might upset some Conservatives it would be good for the country .
11 In such circumstances it would be difficult for a court to address the use of the statement as an aid to construction without some evaluation of its substance .
12 In general , the more directly political approach argues that the manner in which the state may compensate for the misery of the periphery is crucial and warrants serious investigation since under certain circumstances it may be possible for state intervention to operate with beneficial , net long-term effects .
13 In these circumstances it may be hard for other people to believe that the governors ' proceedings can be as fair as they should be .
14 In these circumstances it will be important for organizations to plan for such a future , so as to ensure that :
15 This precaution should in any event be taken , for decaying vegetation in water generates toxic gases which can be lethal for fish , particularly during winter when the pool becomes covered with ice and these gases have no means of escaping into the air .
16 There are a wide range of plants which will be perfect for planting on sloped beds .
17 Remember not to rely too heavily on dairy products as they contain highly saturated fats which could be bad for health if consumed in large quantities .
18 In some cases the knowledge is imputed to the keeper by process of law under paragraph ( c ) , but this does not mean that knowledge of a person not mentioned in that paragraph will be irrelevant : if , for example , the wife of the keeper has knowledge of the animal 's propensities it may be proper for the court to infer as a matter of fact that the keeper also knew of them .
19 ‘ Duart is forbidden visitors today , my lady , so that in two days he may be fit for the ceremony .
20 In some cases we might be happy for courts to do the weighing exercise involved and , to the extent that we are , we could have a ‘ common law ’ of public law compensation .
21 In a few minutes we would be ready for Firstlight , and then we 'd we clear .
22 And just in case I may say things I 'll be sorry for , I 'd better not go on , except for one last word .
23 The principal conditions which must be satisfied for an offer to fall within art 4 are as follows :
24 Representation of the support functions would be accomplished by nominating a ‘ Support Executive ’ from those officers who would be responsible for the revised finance , personnel or administrative groups .
25 You must be over 16 to enter the competition and because of recording schedules you must be available for filming at a couple of days ' notice .
26 If it could feel confident and secure in these conditions it should be fine for year-round Britain .
27 Those at lower organizational levels who will be responsible for implementing various aspects of the change can not be expected to commit to the effort until they see for themselves that the organizational leadership is similarly committed .
28 If , having considered the document , you would like to obtain further details it may be necessary for me to disclose your identity to the vendor 's agent before I am able to obtain further information .
29 Traditionally , city centres always included food shops and they complement stores of other kinds ; if they are presently deterred by high rates it might be worthwhile for the Council to offer them concessions ; the benefits to the public and the city would surely outweigh the loss of revenue .
30 In the case of general practitioners it may be necessary for family health services authorities to take on delegated authority from the Medical Practices Committee for recruiting general practitioners and approving average list sizes .
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