Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Marx 's theory is an attempt to accept both types of accounts of the Orient and to explain the apparent unity of states often made up of previously independent units which nevertheless co-operated in great communal works such as road building ( among the Inca ) and large-scale irrigation ( in Asia ) .
2 During his relatively short time with us , Paul was seconded to Wood Group Industrial Controls [ WGIC ] for an initial period of two months which ultimately stretched to five months .
3 It contrasts markedly with similar past projects which often suffered from appalling industrial relations and were sometimes years late .
4 All records were of single birds which rarely stayed for more than a day .
5 Although the sides of the flysheet moved in high winds I never felt for one minute it would take off .
6 The aggressive reaction in favour of Sacheverell at this time , however , should not obscure the fact that the whole affair merely served to fuel religious tensions which already existed in many parts of the country .
7 Portable operating systems , such as Unix , are also a threat to IBM and other companies which once prospered on proprietary ones , such as Wang and Data General .
8 A new programme of work in this field has been prepared by the Centre Directors which officially commenced on 1 April 1985 .
9 In these circumstances which often arose on such operations , our Chief Engineer was wont to complain bitterly that his injectors or blowers , or what have you , would soon be fouled up .
10 The areas in question , especially in the north and east , have been ‘ ethnically cleansed ’ of Muslims and Croats who once made up most of their populations .
11 As the skill content of the work has been reduced , then some white-collar workers have lost the advantages they previously enjoyed over manual employees .
12 The 1970s and 1980s also saw the rise of institutional shareholders who often acted on similar information and hence took similar buy or sell decisions .
13 During the next three and a half years I often thought of this meal and of the amount I had to leave on my plate because I could not eat any more .
14 Henceforth each successive royal election provoked party conflicts and personal intrigues which often led to civil war , as well as pressure and even forcible intervention from abroad on behalf of competing candidates .
15 Where the great rivers of molten lava had flowed in the distant past was now a jumbled mass of solidified rock-like structures which sometimes stretched for many kilometres .
16 Everything she had thought had been a lie and she looked carefully at the things she now possessed with new eyes .
17 In order to find examples of such an antithetical state of affairs they naturally turned to primitive society , as they assumed , like many before and after them , that these societies would offer illustrations of systems as totally different to those they knew as could be found anywhere .
18 They ignored the prior consultations , the use of friendship between secretariat officials and local chairmen which ensured that the business of government was carried on in ways which often responded to local needs .
19 An appeal was also made in the magazine Radio Communications which also resulted in several offers , including some Gee equipment from F W Milford of Norbury , London .
20 With this general pattern , however , there were major and persistent differentials among social groups and among geographical regions which barely began to narrow before 1900 .
21 Six patients who ultimately presented with gastrointestinal symptoms reported long histories from 9 to 50 years .
22 From the book he 'd just put down he knew that vast tracts of virgin tropical forest covered those mountainsides and large areas of the lowlands too ; in the book there w.ere sepia-tinted photographs of primitive tribesmen who still hunted with stone-tipped arrows and poison darts in those same forests that also teemed with elephant herds , tiger , buffalo , black bears and countless other rare species of animal life that had been left undisturbed by the march of civilization .
23 Presumably , if any of those Kurds who desperately clung to snowy slopes at border mountains , trapped between the armies of three states that did not recognise them , had been able to reach an aeroplane and fly to Britain , they would have qualified for asylum under the 1951 convention .
24 This , and the fact that the Hayes Society tended to be a rather secretive body , lent it much mystique for a time , ensuring that the pronouncements it occasionally issued on professional matters were received as though hewn on tablets of stone .
25 In view of the evasive comments he later made on this latter episode ( Canon Demant tells of his being pressed by some German students and saying that he was the last person to be able to answer them ) , I believe that he had experienced a moment of horrifying self-revelation ‘ of all that he had done and been ’ and thought , which had opened up a wound that could not heal .
26 The materials which eventually evolved from this study include a questionnaire devised by the group and which has subsequently been used as a basis for further in-service training sessions in their schools .
27 There was infestation of rats and mice , with lice , bed- and wood-bugs , cockroaches and beetles , to back up the rivers of excreta which often flowed from common lavatories situated on tenements , between floors .
28 Rural society was characterized by the overwhelming predominance of family farms which neither relied upon hired labour nor hired out their own labour .
29 These colleges , though , soon proved inadequate for the ‘ all comers who promiscuously flocked from all parts to this University ’ ( Peck ) and other friaries , disliking the mixture of lay and secular education , established their own schools .
30 The slaves who usually lived in one of the separate wings of the villa , slept together in a dormitory .
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