Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I 'd had the feeling before , a bit , the first couple of times I went up on the End , it was that much closer to the spindle .
2 Several times in the next few months I went up to the top floor again , where I could look out of the high windows in the roof to see the surrounding countryside and be alone with my thoughts .
3 That was a case in which the house had a path running to the steps which went up to the road , the house being at a lower level than the road , and the plaintiff met with an accident on those steps …
4 Detailed Description : the steps which led up to the problem and any messages or codes that were included .
5 He pulled up in fourth gear at the foot of the balustraded stone steps which led up to the solicitor 's office : Totteridge , Spruce and Hardnut , Commissioners for Oaths , said the brass plate .
6 Every few weeks he will have to spend a weekend at home near a telephone on call to handle any emergencies which crop up in the area .
7 This is overlain by further sandstones and silty red-beds which pass up into the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone .
8 We offer four £5 book vouchers to readers who come up with the wittiest gag about scientists and engineers .
9 These large , rather crudely decorated , earthenware teapots were made at Coalville and Swadlincote , and many of the East Anglians who went up before the 1914–18 war brought ‘ Burton teapots ’ back with them because it was part of the experience of going to Burton , like buying a new suit .
10 A test was arranged involving a detachment of Guards who lined up along the WCs and flushed in unison .
11 The group then undertook local information meetings which built up to the campaign 's first large public meeting in Letterfrack , Co .
12 All I recollect is a grey , sombre sky and the dark Seine rushing under the bridges ; tall , sharp-gabled houses which sprang up from the cobbles and leaned crazily together , storey thrust out above storey ; the narrow , winding streets of the Latin Quarter ; the pell-mell of ascending gables and tinted roof tiles , the gables of their lower storeys sculpted into fantastic shapes of warriors or exotic animals .
13 It 's clear that the many non-party political groups which sprang up in the wake of the election , bodies such as Common Cause and Scotland United , are now prepared to work together in a coalition to stage further events highlighting the deficiencies of the current constitutional arrangements .
14 They are often sited in very desirable locations : mental hospitals , in particular , such as the former county asylums which sprung up after the Lunacy Act of 1847 , are located on the outskirts of towns , in landscaped grounds thoughtfully planned for the patients ' well-being .
15 These are constitutive luck — the kind of person one is ; contemporary circumstantial luck — the kind of circumstances in which one is placed ; antecedent circumstantial luck — the kind of circumstances which led up to the situation one faces ; and consequential luck — the way things turn out .
16 Of course there are lines that Keith does in second verses , melodic lines which build up to the chorus , and then it all apexes at the solo , hopefully . ’
17 Around the walls were shelves which stretched up to the blackened ceiling , bearing more rolls of vellum .
18 Theft is covered by the treaty but other offences which crop up in the Guinness case , such as common law conspiracy to rig the market and breaches of the Companies Act , do not .
19 Centre Tim Horan was a firm favourite with the black and coloured youngsters who showed up at the Wallaby coach-in held at the Dan Qeqe Stadium in the Zwide township near Port Elizabeth .
20 Parents who grew up in the sixties , when the cult of the teenager first took hold , may still look and feel young and be unready to acknowledge that their children are growing up .
21 The stumbling block here does seem to be the inability of the Charity Commissioners themselves to keep up with the volume of work .
22 What is certain is that she will stamp her own identity on whatever activities she heads up within the White House .
23 Switching between one-day and five-day mode was unpopular with the players , and the new showbiz-style razzmatazz that accompanied the games seemed specifically designed to cater for the drunken yobbos who turned up by the cartload .
24 Nothing was left but a clearing in the forest and a flock of doves who rose up into the air , wheeled round , and flew off .
25 A large number of dogs who end up in the rescue homes would be on the vet 's euthanasia list if they 'd had different owners .
26 The river is broad here , about two hundred yards , and from its banks one looks up to the baroque turrets of the Benedictine monastery of Stift Göttweig , perched high on its wooded hill .
27 And I know one of the things I picked up off the course was it ?
28 Erm one of the things I picked up off the course is , technically every training course that we have , should be written in a way that that identifies erm Unit two point four I 'm on to at the minute . .
29 Notwithstanding the constitutional changes which led up to the general election of July [ see p. 37603 ] , the Habré government had remained an alliance of faction leaders lacking any real popular support .
30 This increases oxygen to the painful areas and at the same time removes the stagnant toxic wastes such as lactic and carbonic acids which build up in the muscle fibres .
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