Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the hours I worked at the newspaper office I hardly ever saw any television .
2 As I told a couple of surveyors I met at the ground earlier today , ‘ Building on here would be like trying to wallpaper a Slumberland mattress . ’
3 However , during the initial discussions I hinted at the desirability of video recording or tape recording their science teaching , to examine their use of questioning .
4 Trying to ignore this assault on my fundamental antinomies I peered at the train set .
5 Now I do n't care what people say : at times I look at the child and I am so happy I ca n't sleep at night .
6 However , at other times I feel at the end of my tether .
7 The third congress of journalists which met at the end of January simply stressed the importance of party leadership of the press and made no practical survey of what was actually happening .
8 But in the 1860s and 1870s the development of the steam trawler , the use of ice for preservation , and the exploitation of the rail network signalled the arrival of cheap cod and made possible the fish-and-chip shops which multiplied at the end of the century to furnish an important source of protein to the working class .
9 A sequence of words which ends at a point where a pause may be made without any detrimental effect to the sense of the utterance .
10 It is necessary to look at the words which appear at the foot of the defined expressions in section 251 .
11 That this was an error was explained to the House by Lord Eversley , who then stated that ‘ the case was provided for by words which appear at the end of the clause ’ .
12 They must consider all new books as well as the old ones , and must therefore hold back enough funds to cover those books which appear at the end of the financial year .
13 The growth of European Community funded farming has increased losses which began at the beginning of the century .
14 These questions , among others , exercised a group of educationists who met at a seminar on accountability sponsored by the SSRC and held at Cambridge ( England ) in 1977 .
15 From Councillor Brereton to the Chief Constable of Lothian and Borders Police and to Wimpey Homes Holdings Ltd detailing the problems caused by teenagers who congregate at the wall leading from Baberton Mains Dell to Wester Hailes .
16 For the first few months she trembled at the thought of performing an official engagement on her own .
17 If we can maintain our level of performance we will give the fans something to celebrate at the end of the year . ’
18 Table 10.4 examines each of the sectors we identified at the beginning of the appendix .
19 It is impossible to describe all the uplifting and thought-provoking sessions we had at the Farm , but an especially wonderful experience for me was the fantasy meditation .
20 They are like the metaphorical gender attributions we examined at the beginning of this chapter , in that they follow no single principle , they do not remain constant from one context to another and they vary from culture to culture .
21 The restricted range of animals he saw at the College , and the limited nature of their diseases , inevitably meant that his experience was narrowly based .
22 In retrospect it is hard to judge the extent to which the success of this policy ( and , for all the worries it caused at the time , it was a success by comparison with the economy management disasters of the 1960s and 1970s ) was due to good management , and the extent to which it was due to external and internal economic factors outside government control , in particular to the postwar recovery and the stimulus provided by the continuing military activity of the ‘ cold war ’ .
23 Within 6 months he excels at the art .
24 The pictures on the evening TV weather forecast come from the US NOAA satellites which orbit at an altitude of around 850 km .
25 BSkyB will not renew the £13 million three-season deal they had with the Scottish authorities which expired at the end of last season .
26 Bain and Howells ( 1988 , Ch. 5 ) outline a simple monetary base approach to controlling the money supply and also discuss the money market operations which stand at the centre of current methods of control .
27 It is clear from thinking in Brussels and Paris that their views on international trade owe more to Friedrich List than to Adam Smith , although it is always surprising that they bemoan their countries ' so-called tutelage to the United States and at the same time attack the liberal economic policies which lie at the root of American power : why do they not realise that they should adopt economic liberalism as well ?
28 He was their leader , a soldier , but dressed like a popinjay in multi-coloured hose , a billowing tabard of blue and silver jagged at the edge , a lace-ruffed collar , lambskin gloves and high-heeled Spanish riding boots festooned with bells which tinkled at every step he took .
29 So perhaps Hahnemann was quite right when he suggested that inherited factors from past infections or infections suffered by ancestors caused imbalances which lay at the heart of the chronic diseases .
30 Although there were links to other organizations , such as through Arnold Leese to the Britons and Nesta Webster to the extremist Die-hards , the organization 's political roots had greater connections to the mainly middle-class pressure groups which evolved at the end of the war to protect property against the alleged socialist menace , the most important of which were the British Empire Union , the Middle Classes Union and the National Citizens Union .
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