Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] [not/n't] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The only animals I have n't been able to check on are the sheep . ’
2 Other clients who 've not been sure about coming , actually find they quite like it and it 's not that bad and yes , they 'd like to stay !
3 In these few paragraphs we have not been able to do more than provide a sketchy summary of these rich concepts .
4 In the early years of the " new diplomacy " in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries it had not been unusual for a diplomat who died in post to be immediately succeeded by a relative , often a close one , who had been attached to his mission with this possibility in mind .
5 There they will remain for most of April , at least one of the pair on guard at all times on the loch in order to ward off any attempted ‘ take-over ’ , perhaps by young pairs who have n't been able to locate a suitable breeding site .
6 Nevertheless , a blow has been struck for the land-owning taxpayer , particularly those less well-off individuals who have not been able to defend themselves against the local district valuer 's increasingly aggressive commercial techniques .
7 For years it has not been clear exactly what the Tate is .
8 Many affidavits were filed in these proceedings , but for our purposes it has not been necessary to refer to them in any detail , because the facts are carefully summarised in the judgment of Mann L.J .
9 For forty years he had n't been able to bring himself to venture into it again .
10 We have not forgotten this offer , although for various reasons we have not been able to develop an idea until now .
11 Slowly the pressures of its differences bore down on my thinking and decisions , prying open my defences and forcing me to face questions I had not been conscious of before .
12 I could say some of the things I had n't been able to say when I left him , because I had n't shared his feelings then .
13 Boase explained that for twenty years he had made a collection of notes relating to English persons deceased since 1850 , and that in compiling his work he had kept in mind the dictum of James Anthony Froude [ q.v. ] , ‘ we want the biographies of common people ’ , so that many hundreds of the thousands of entries included in his compilation related to persons who had not been eminent but had led interesting lives , accounts of which could not be found in any other book .
14 She needed several things she had not been able to bring away from the Holborn house ; chemises , petticoats , nightgowns , drawers , a frilled nightcap that had taken her fancy , stockings , handkerchiefs .
15 They say they 're having to deal with more and more dogs owned by families who have n't been able to give them the exercise they need .
16 Their house is a repository rich with the things they have n't been able to bring themselves to sell .
17 White and Wilson also comment : ‘ Within the case studies it has not been possible to examine closely the relationship ( if any exists ) between the use of information and personal or business effectiveness .
18 There were pauses , then he banged the keys plaintively , going over the passages he had n't been able to get right , then suddenly he put on a record of the Chopin and played along with it , always two or three notes behind .
19 The Asian youth told officers he had not been involved in the alleged attack , but that he himself and his friends had been set upon by a gang .
20 She had a small collection of recipes which had not been suitable for the Mediterranean book and these now became French Country Cooking , published in 1951 .
21 A second round of voting , in constituencies which had not been able to complete their quota of candidates , was announced for May 8 ; in this round , the candidates with most votes would be declared elected , even if they received less than the 30 per cent required for election in the first round .
22 The tears which had not been far away came to the surface .
23 The Macari honeymoon period is in full swing and there 's a determination and self-belief about the players which has n't been visible for some time .
24 Our first assumption , that non-respondents would tend to be teachers who had not been involved in a review , proved to be unfounded .
25 These were leaders who had not been subject to party screening or peer review and had succeeded almost exclusively on the strength of their appeal to mass electorates .
26 Other party leaders who had not been privy to the " election " advised Sonia against accepting the post .
27 I have many points to answer , rather than respond to hon. Members who have not been present for the full debate .
28 In some cases it has not been clear from the notes to the accounts whether the directors consider that they have departed from a specific statutory rule and that the true and fair view override is being invoked .
29 ( 12 ) No election held in pursuance of this Act shall be deemed to be vitiated in consequence of any technical defect in the proceedings which has not been prejudicial to the interests of any party concerned in such election .
30 Even he , however , confessed that it was difficult to control men who had not been accustomed to organization , whose " idea was that once a union was formed everything should be put right in a few hours " .
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