Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [noun] [modal v] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They were more comfortable , it was a , it was a more enjoyable journey , and let's be honest if I can go through life without hassles and without problems my life will be more enjoyable , of course it and these difficulties , and these storms coming away , coming your way your life will be more enjoyable .
2 If committee chairmen have a monopoly over such resources their colleagues will be badly disadvantaged .
3 Goods whose identity can be easily determined ( eg capital goods ) as the subject matter of the contract to which the retention of title clause relates are most suitable for this type of clause .
4 It also seeks views on the persons or groups of persons whose interests should be specifically recognised in the audit process , on the preferred method of achieving greater independence of auditors and facilitating greater involvement by shareholders and other stakeholders in the audit process , and on the longer-term mission of the auditing profession .
5 At stake are not only the interests of potential motorway users and of persons whose land might be compulsorily acquired to provide a route for the motorway ; also involved are the inhabitants of villages and towns which will be relieved of through-traffic by the motorway ; British Rail may have an interest in inhibiting the development of alternative means for the transport of goods ; improved transport and communications facilities provided by the motorway may benefit some businesses at the expense of others ; and motorways have , of course , serious environmental effects which lovers of the countryside and people who live near the proposed route will be anxious to avoid .
6 As well as containing the Muslim legal , military and administrative officials , the cities were the homes of craftsmen , organised in guilds whose members could be either Muslim or zimmi ( non-Muslim citizens under the protection of the sultan ) .
7 So he would be under the STV , and in many constituencies his re.adoption would be practically as it is now a guarantee of his return to Westminster .
8 We are thus faced with the following problem : what organization in the early sea-urchin embryo ensures that the proportions of cells that form the skeleton , the gut , and the surface layers , will be the same in embryos whose cells can be quite extensively rearranged and whose size varies over a factor of eightfold ?
9 In the case of respondents whose arguments will be simply that the judgment of the court below is correct for the reasons given , counsel for the respondent can send in a letter to that effect in lieu of a skeleton argument .
10 Surely all that is required for us to make a start is that there should be sentences whose meaning is more nearly confined to what is immediately available to us , not that there be sentences whose meaning can be completely given in terms of their assent conditions .
11 But in some cases his role will be more active .
12 The Greens may be the wise visionaries of Europe , but in a ‘ serious ’ election dealing with economic issues their manifestos would be quickly torn to shreds .
13 The course is therefore structured to prepare students whose aspirations may be either single discipline orientated or who wish to pursue a more diverse route .
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