Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] a [adj -er] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Looking to the longer term , the Company has outline plans for a later phase of developments which will include platform improvements and a visitors ' viewing gallery in the workshops but at the moment all efforts are focused on phase 1 .
2 That rate of : wage inflation which can be attributed solely to union militancy can be regarded as resulting from the power struggle between unions and employers for a bigger share of the national ‘ cake ’ and between the unions themselves for higher places in the wages ‘ league table ’ .
3 Federal Prime Minister Brian Mulroney described the proposals as a further stage of the consultative process and gave assurances that a " precise constitutional offer " would be presented to Quebec in mid-April .
4 An inventory and initial classification of the principal known gold deposits has been produced , and BGS has put forward proposals for a further programme of structural and chemical studies at prospect and regional scale to begin in 1991 .
5 It enabled them to hold their own in the face of calls from male experts for a greater professionalization of the field .
6 Since the interview with Shaun Ward in the April ‘ 92 issue , and the recent huge success of Simply Red 's ‘ Stars ’ album and tour , I expected ( and thankfully received ! ) a fair few requests for a closer examination of Shaun 's playing .
7 Legitimately confused about the sort of emancipation they were expected to recommend , provincial nobles bombarded the central authorities with requests for a fuller statement of their intentions .
8 There are also suggestions that multimedia computing will become widespread and commonplace in homes as a further wave of more mature computer application finds its way into the home market .
9 We will do this by improving our marketing , sales and distribution activities , and by responding to changing market and consumer demands through a closer understanding of their needs .
10 ‘ But an army mustered for war would overrun friend and enemy alike , ’ Cormac of Atholl had said , ‘ And Earl Siward has allies — has n't he ? — to placate with land when this is all over , and rivals who would be better off settled in Lothian than snapping at his heels for a bigger share of Northumbria . ’
11 The job is to purge the good-riddance-to-Quebec attitude among Reform Party supporters , and to get backing in the western provinces for a further set of constitutional changes , incorporating Quebec 's insistent claim to be recognised as a distinct society .
12 The Napoleonic model in France , even though it survived virtually unaltered for over a century and a half , eventually had to yield to demands for a wider measure of regional self-government , and over the past years schemes of regional devolution have been instituted .
13 Management may be prepared to pay this higher cost when labour is scarce and has to be attracted from alternative employment , or when a union is making strong demands for a higher quality of working life .
14 However , these new proposals did not satisfy Slovak demands for a greater measure of autonomy .
15 ‘ There are plenty of opportunities for a greater exchange of expertise which could be of tremendous benefit to both sides .
16 Those that remain in villages are the survivors of a larger number of such groupings which were much reduced by the policy of enclosing open fields which was pursued during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
17 ‘ We have managed to get our reserves into a better class of football after a six year campaign .
18 SCOTVEC has also been working on a catalogue of extra additional assessments for the first phase of general SVQs , in order to provide candidates with a wider choice of assessments .
19 Mr Dorrell said the arrangements represented an opportunity for participating intermediaries to build lasting relationships with a wider range of investors .
20 The queen 's central position , by contrast , was an ex officio one , and Hincmar therefore highlighted it ( c. 22 ) : her most important responsibility was for the " good order [ in both practical and model senses ] of the palace , and for the dispensing of the annual gifts , apart from their food , drink and horses , to the king 's warrior-retinue " — the latter a quasi-maternal role which enabled the queen to form a network of personal relationships with a younger generation of budding leaders .
21 In Western societies , men ( even those in process work ) still tend to be taught to seek relationships with a larger number of people and to control the amount of emotion they invest in these relationships .
22 This would seem to run counter to the idea that receptor activation initiates a cascade of diverging biochemical pathways that conspire to produce an effect ( cell division , in this case ) ; and it seems to require that multiple kinases phosphorylate a small number of substrates , which , in turn , feed signals into a smaller number of Ras activators .
23 The overall intention is to provide all interested parties with a clearer appreciation of the real motivations of , and weaknesses behind , marketing decision making , and to lay the foundations for the solving of those marketing problems which may be exposed .
24 Lautro has ordered 13 life assurance companies to withdraw some of their advertising for single premium with profits bonds , and two were requested to write to clients with a fuller explanation of the bond 's characteristics .
25 ‘ We have to make sure we do not starve of help clients with a lower level of need because people with a higher level of need are getting the resources ’ .
26 Staffing ratios were generally better in grammar schools than elsewhere , and even the Burnham system favoured ( as it was meant to do ) schools with a larger proportion of older pupils , especially if they were in those sixth forms which continued to stand at the peak of a meritocratic secondary system .
27 Freeman ( 1987 ) and Rothwell ( 1982 ) embed their conceptions of the technological change between waves in a broader confluence of social factors .
28 The architect who designed it twenty years before , Blanche reflected , had drawn inspiration from childhood memories of dog-eared graph paper — neatly ruled green squares within a darker grid of ruled squares .
29 Platelet factor 4 showed a significant positive correlation with plasma glucose concentration in a small group of insulin-dependent diabetics but no correlation was seen for β-thromboglobulin and no relationship was found for either of the platelet-specific proteins in a larger group of non-insulin-dependent diabetics ( Davi et al , 1982 ) .
30 Certainly , such peace as prevailed owed an immense amount to Jones 's personal stature in the movement , as one of the old-style union leaders who had , nevertheless , taken an outward-looking and creative role in trying to relate union demands to a wider pattern of economic stability and also , incidentally , the wellbeing of a Labour government .
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