Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] a [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Forum has tried to collect views through a biennial request to individual organisations and associations to bring forward suggested areas for research but this did not prove fruitful .
2 BSB is also believed to be talking to Ford in the UK about providing communications with its dealers and to the Financial Times about a business service for large companies .
3 A single volume , tone and five-way selector operate all the usual switching and adjusting functions , but the EGs have an additional control in the tone pot ; pulling it out acts as a coil tap for the humbuckers .
4 THE Government has ruled out any major changes in its controversial plans for a pollution agency for Scotland .
5 According to the US PC Week , the company has been outlining plans for a Workplace family of operating systems built under the Workplace Shell and a microkernel that will be scaled for machines ranging from handheld devices to multi-processer RISC machines .
6 From St Paul 's Cathedral to Putney Vale Crematorium did not seem such a short distance to the neighbours , such was their generous enthusiasm for Donald 's interment , and when they heard there were plans for a memorial service at Wimbledon Parish Church , some people said it was even better to do it this way .
7 The event commenced with Lorna entertaining the ladies on the terrace , currently with her plans for a flower border around the pool , while the men retired to the library with Robert for Scotch and business talk .
8 The new application removed plans for a dance floor from the scheme .
9 But since she had wrecked Luke 's plans for a country weekend with Lexy , and deprived him of the possibility of replacing her from the ranks of his unofficial harem , perhaps it was hardly surprising that he should demand that she herself should fill the gap .
10 Mr de Klerk also told parliament of plans for a government crack-down on the Azanian Peoples ' Liberation Army ( APLA ) , the military wing of the radical black nationalist Pan Africanist Congress , and of the possibility that the death penalty would be reintroduced after a recent wave of political violence in which victims have included both white and black children .
11 Unions are hoping it could persuade one company to have a change of heart over plans for a pay freeze for some of it 's workers .
12 FA Cup Final fever may be dissipating but excitement is only just beginning to mount over plans for a croquet centre of excellence .
13 The firm has a non-mainstream product called Jump available for the Mac , but there are no plans for a vanilla version of SAS software on that box .
14 Outlining plans for a rededication service by the Bishop of Clogher , Dr Brian Hannon , next Sunday , Mr Knowd said : ‘ We want to make this the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the church , which is a vital part of the heritage of the area , reaching back to a time when there was no denominational difference among Christians .
15 A donation of £260 from the proceeds of the tombola stall and refreshment/poster sales has been handed to the theatre by the Friends who have already made plans for a repeat performance in the autumn .
16 They talked of Zelah 's forthcoming debut on television and of Tony 's plans for a spring exhibition at a London gallery .
17 Plans for a garden village with houses for key workers were also implemented .
18 And by eavesdropping talk on the terraces and in the pubs , they overheard plans for a pitch invasion like this one at the County Ground last year .
19 He wants a firm pledge from Labour that they will honour plans for a Cabinet Minster with a development brief .
20 On hearing about our plans for a summer course at Green Park in 1982 some 30 or so showed a positive interest in attending .
21 Last year they campaigned against plans for a car park on some of the plots for a rail heritage centre in adjoining Preston Park .
22 THE North-Eastern Co-op is to appeal after councillors threw out its plans for a superstore development on the outskirts of Middlesbrough .
23 The Offtackle Plan of November 1949 referred to the need to retard a Soviet advance , but the Americans continued to refine their contingency plans for a fighting retreat to such peripheral positions in or around continental Europe as proved tenable against a Soviet offensive .
24 Andrew joined Wimpey Group Accounts as a management accountant in 1987 .
25 Greenpeace cites the shipments as a case study of the confusion surrounding the rules governing the European Community 's trade in toxic waste .
26 The protesters , from the Peace Train Organisation which has run six trains along the Dublin to Belfast line , the main rail link between north and south , were collecting signatures for a peace declaration in Dublin 's city centre yesterday .
27 Her Diaries ( published in 1980 ) , in respect of the years 1974–6 — the years when the battle was raging — deal in immense detail with every aspect of her activities as a Cabinet minister during that period .
28 She normally emerged every five or six hours for a hunting trip of about half an hour , returning to the den with eels .
29 Three and a half hours for a three-pound piece of veal — and on top of the stove too — is an awful long time .
30 I was recently involved in similar discussions as a committee member of a small society .
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