Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb base] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The two sets of carers who were not content with the institutionalisation decision were : the male friend of a single woman who said it had been a pleasure to visit her daily and help look after her ; after five months she was admitted to hospital under a guardianship order because she was felt to be at risk .
2 If I failed to do so , he would become exasperated and start shouting at me , telling me how stupid I was ; whereupon I would dissolve into tears and rush out of the room .
3 Gib acht ! ’ ( matched to perfection by the extraordinary sensitivity of her accompanists ) , and the Tölz Boys ' Choir are engagingly fresh and alert sounding in their charming little ‘ Bimm bamm ’ .
4 It 's a pretty bizarre film , but it 's not dark or mean spirited in its intentions .
5 If they are used by a Christian then they are no more than an aid , just as meditation can be biblical or occult depending on what you meditate upon .
6 Only I would wish to tell my sister as soon as possible and put paid to her nonsense .
7 May we learn to be caring and considerate and come to look upon everyone in the world as our brothers and sisters — people whose lives might be improved through something we can offer .
8 By 1907 Polish financial institutions , though cramped by legal restrictions , had become so effective that finance flowing through them allowed almost every Polish farm in Pomerania of 5 hectares or more access to some form of farm machinery on a shared or collective basis .
9 Do n't do anything gratis ; be sure and get paid for everything .
10 ‘ Elements ’ are precise descriptions of what people need to be able to do to be considered competent and have associated with them ‘ performance criteria ’ , which are the key indicators used to judge the individual 's level of performance .
11 Well it do n't matter as long as have to go over it .
12 Terry would try and work out something to keep him happy and get rid of him .
13 You feel it most keenly when you 're walking alone and keep looking behind you , sure that something 's there .
14 It is of course a very difficult subject to talk about and many families who know or suspect that a relative has killed himself or tried to , are ashamed and refuse to talk about it , or make up all kinds of stories to cover the fact up .
15 A long title sequence , for example , is not necessary and can be positively irritating if you rewind too far and have to sit through it again when you want to repeat the programme .
16 It should be stressed that these figures are all approximate and vary according to your personal lifestyle .
17 Shortly after this , he decided to ditch the one-liner style of stand-up and get rid of his immortal catch-phrase ( ‘ Put that chicken away , missus ! ’ ) in favour of a more confessional comedy routine ; he would gather up the rough , rotting scraps of his experience and weave them into balmy theatrical monologues .
18 Until he was standing there , before her , great waves of pain and fear , hurt and anger washing through him like a huge black tide .
19 If clutter is your only problem , be ruthless and get rid of anything hanging around that you have not used for the last six months , and put anything else away in a cupboard , cabinet or closet somewhere .
20 One day , Nicky , you are going to stop running and come running to him . ’
21 I thought of his words , ‘ One day you will stop running and come running to Him ’ .
22 ‘ Both might murder the other and have done with it . ’
23 I was moved by the account , seeing resemblances between the experience of these women , dead many thousands of years before , and women alive now who weep over men whose love they think is dead but try to revive with their tears .
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