Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pers pn] be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We have made it absolutely clear that we are determined that Plymouth should have a good future .
2 It 's all very clear and it 's supported and led by a very strong musical energy — I do n't mean necessarily me , I 'm talking about Mussorgsky 's phenomenal score . ’
3 This might be sensible if you were advised that your claim would be better presented in the formal atmosphere of the civil courts , or that your wrongful dismissal claim is so much more substantial that it will lead almost inevitably to a settlement of the lesser , unfair dismissal claim .
4 Shanti was eight years old and we were determined that her childhood was not going to be spoiled by this disability .
5 To say , in the abstract , that birds have a right to fly seems to me rather foolish if it be taken as saying more than that most birds fly naturally .
6 It is not MAS practice to fix fees solely contingent on the price obtained for the company ; however , acting on a part fixed/part contingent basis is acceptable provided it is judged that the interest in selling is genuine , the price expectation is realistic and there is likely to be at least one buyer .
7 In particular , inversions such as ( 24 ) can sometimes become acceptable if they are interpreted as being in a different mode , such as the deductive mode . )
8 Her movements then are equally purposeful but they are constricted and withdrawn , so that her father 's contemptuous rejection of her pleas and his throwing her to the floor seem the proper outcome of what in his eyes is sheer disobedience .
9 The condition and appearance of a rug can be affected by a number of factors other than age , and it is dangerous to jump to the conclusion that something is necessarily old because it is worn and in a poor state of repair .
10 It is not clear whether he was tempted or not , but the suggestion was not pressed .
11 This theory became popular when it was observed that , in many cases , flying objects , noises and mischief all appeared to centre around an ‘ owner ’ .
12 The Electricity Council stated : ‘ the cost benefit ratio of installing FGD … would be very high as it is anticipated that the generating costs of a power station fitted would rise 25–30 per cent … ’
13 IBM had priced the Es relatively high when they were announced and did not fully appreciate the impact aggressive pricing might have had .
14 Hopes were high when it was found that even if the organizer tissue were killed it could still induce , for this offered the possibility of extracting the responsible chemical signal .
15 The monitors alone are so loud that I am baffled as to how the crew operate without some type of semaphore system .
16 The line manager should offer as much support as possible although it is acknowledged that in certain circumstances the individual might wish to seek support from another colleague rather than their line manager .
17 I 'm grateful that I was born when I was , rather than being a youngster today .
18 But this result becomes understandable once it is appreciated that in order to predict the outcome of a change of context it is necessary to know what associations have been formed , how each affects behaviour , and how susceptible each is to the contextual change .
19 The phenomenon of certain mundane objects becoming so firmly associated with an individual that they are understood as literal extensions of that individual 's being was discussed in some detail by Levy-Bruhl ( 1966 : 100–27 ) .
20 Is it not also serious that it is implied that the Home Office knew about that involvement at the time ?
21 Today , Renee Henry is convinced that she is cured and that the Gerson therapy is responsible .
22 Like any faculty , the psychic sense is more prominent if it is used and If the society in which an individual lives is conducive in its attitudes to the encouragement of such ability .
23 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
24 An anomaly will be regarded as particularly serious if it is seen as striking at the very fundamentals of a paradigm and yet persistently resists attempts by the members of the normal scientific community to remove it .
25 I shall here consider three such attempts to connect past and present : firstly , that which I shall call a ‘ kairos ’ approach , in which the past is basically normative but it is said that there can be development ; secondly , that which I shall call the ‘ golden thread ’ approach , in which a leading motif is lifted out of the past and applied in another situation ; thirdly , that which I shall call an ‘ a priori ethical ’ position , in which essentially authority is seen to lie in the present but there is not perceived to be any fundamental clash with the past .
26 If its research is successful , it should mean the end of mass-produced tomatoes that are tasteless because they are picked before they are fully ripe to prevent wastage during handling .
27 This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions .
28 All the family felt that Stephen had been hustled into the engagement by Claire , who was a hard , devious girl , and were relieved when it was broken when he returned from Newcastle .
29 The original Milnes four wheeled cars were now getting very decrepit and it was found that the nine bogie cars would be quite sufficient to provide the normal service between West Croydon and Mitcham , so a number of Milnes cars were stored away in the back parts of the other two depôts .
30 Many takeovers in Europe are friendly and it is said that two in three are negotiated without merchant bankers .
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