Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 At first it all seemed dreadfully wrong and we did what our family always do in such situations ; we were facetious .
2 He was slim and dark and he told her his name was Steve .
3 Both Jessica and Nadea seemed to agree that it was fitting and appropriate when I told them my first choice would be to serve with the Royal Canadian Air Force .
4 I think that 's fine if you give them your work number .
5 They are also more confident that they know what their partner wants .
6 Whether they 're first or last in this race … or in future life … it does n't matter to Kriss , as long as they give it their very best .
7 As long as you leave me my leader column , I …
8 Directors have sometimes been called trustees , or commercial trustees , sometimes they have been called managing partners ; it does not matter much what you call them as long as you understand what their true position is , which is really that they are commercial men managing a trading concern for the benefit of themselves and all the other shareholders … they are bound to use fair and reasonable diligence in the management of the company 's affairs and to act honestly .
9 The lamp-smudges seemed to swim towards me , dipping and swaying off-centre as I approached them My legs were trembling and when I put my hand against my face it was burning , and yet clammy .
10 Within each schedule you need to identify the priorities and to make certain that you give them their due weight and tackle them first .
11 She could n't deny him , her voice husky as she gave him her promise .
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