Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] [coord] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 This plant dislikes draughts so keep it well-protected or sheltered and do not position it near a window which is likely to be opened .
2 She reminded him very much of his own daughter as she had been not so long ago ; on the verge of womanhood , nervous and unsure but determined not to be put down or patronized .
3 A certificate to this effect from the person representing the petitioning creditor in the following form is normally acceptable : I certify that I have/my firm has made enquiries of the petitioning creditors(s) within the last business day prior to the hearing/adjourned hearing and to the best of my knowledge and belief the debt on which the petition is founded is still due and owing and has not been paid or secured or compounded for ( save as to …
4 This approach proved impractical and inflexible and did not allow for innovation or different national traditions .
5 The rule for raising before velars , however , is strong and active and does not seem to have begun to recede lexically : in word-list style ( which is usually considered to be formal ) it persists much more strongly than post-velar raising ; neologisms undergo the rule , and it affects spelling ( see the discussion of ‘ occasional spellings ’ below ) .
6 As there was no effective treatment , the asylums were more custodial than therapeutic and did not usually cater for investigation and research .
7 The service elements of the job fall into two categories — those that are routine and mundane and do not need a doctor to carry them out , and those that are essentially the front line services for health delivery in our hospitals .
8 A further dilemma may arise when the individual whom professionals are trying to help has a very different interpretation of his or her circumstances , aspirations and prospects from those of relatives , or where the individual is suspicious and distrustful and does not want even close family to know what has happened to him or her .
9 Perhaps , they said , he was married or engaged and had not told me the truth about himself .
10 These names often are traditional and well-established but do not comply with any system of nomenclature .
11 The adoral shields are long and narrow and do not separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
12 So please take on board that it is not good enough to answer that a notice was put up to tell people that they could claim , when many people are blind or disabled or do not have the wherewithal to understand .
13 Ipswich were neat and tidy but did not trouble Arsenal 's goalkeeper David Seaman until the closing seconds of the half when Steve Palmer 's shot from 20 yards following a corner flashed just wide .
14 I could so clearly see her coming between you and me , between us and our poetry , and I felt furiously jealous and unhappy but tried not to show it .
15 Most commonly , there is a proliferative lesion so that much of the lung is pink and rubbery and does not collapse when the chest is opened .
16 But Landau 's clients were young and rich and did not believe in death .
17 And if that child is sensitive and caring and does not wish to hurt or disappoint his parents , perhaps he may even enter the medical profession and spend years doing something he does not really want to do while denying himself the opportunity of fulfilling his life in the way he would have chosen .
18 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
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