Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] [noun sg] [be] be " in BNC.

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1 It was clear that original thought was being shown all round .
2 Similarly , the idea that these changes in social and personal life were being partly supplanted by alternative forms of close-knit association was also shared by a wide range of authors .
3 To achieve this , a new Marina has been established and extensive residential and commercial development are being undertaken .
4 Thirteen per cent of the cadre were illiterate , so political and cultural training was being concentrated on this sector .
5 Damage to the water supply , food chain , forests and soil of this once rural and beautiful area is being intensified by a natural phenomena known as " autumn inversion " which is trapping pollution and sending air pollution levels up ten times higher than international safety limits .
6 Zarathustra 's monotheistic religion can be regarded as a response to the social conditions of his time , an age of transition when a settled agricultural and pastoral community was being threatened by predatory tribes who still followed the nomadic way of life .
7 Although a common form of procedure for research is being recommended here it should not be thought for one moment that a hard and fast programme is being suggested to which every research enquiry should conform .
8 Passwords should be changed regularly and mail messages regularly read to determine if spurious or malicious mail is being sent .
9 From the brief analysis in the last pages , I hope I have managed to convey the impression that a good deal of interesting , useful and imaginative content is being planned for primary schools .
10 All too often though , the critical enthusiasm is immense , while the actual critical judgement disappoints , and we are left with the feeling that good but minor work is being overpraised for polemical reasons .
11 Labour-intensive or dirty work is being politely pushed into other provinces or into Thailand or Indonesia .
12 From the outside of the Opéra-Comique in the 9th arrondissement of Paris , you could see through the windows on the ground floor to where vast bales of orange and pink and purple cloth were being unwound by workmen , laid out and cut into huge rectangles and squares .
13 The verbal pinpricks are shrewdly administered in a story indulgent to the conscious flippancy of the early 1920s ; from our own angle of vision it seems as though one socially artificial and isolated world is being used to comment on an earlier , equally artificial and isolated one .
14 On the basis of these measurements , ozone losses in the Arctic winter appear to be " not very much less than in the Antarctic spring " says Alan Plumb of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , " but the effects are less dramatic because polar ozone is being resupplied about as fast as it is being destroyed . "
15 Her inimitable use of rhythm caught many a class member on the wrong foot , but how spirits lifted when we got it right , and the ultimate but awful joy was being chosen to demonstrate .
16 It must be a condition of all seamen 's canteen licences that food and non-intoxicating drinks are always available while alcoholic liquor is being sold : subs .
17 But we think it is highly regrettable that economic development is being seen as an integral part of the war against terrorism , not least for those charged with making it work on the ground .
18 Too often jobs have been available and unfilled whilst social support is being paid to an immobile work force .
19 For a new and welcome sound is being heard in the little Fermanagh community on the eastern shore of lovely Lough Melvin , the jewel in its many splendoured crown .
20 As a result , we argued , the rights of the vast majority of people to an attractive and undeveloped countryside were being abused by acceding to the private interests of a few .
21 Ahlgren ( 1982 ) describes the beginnings of this bilingualism where a ‘ formal description ’ of written and spoken language is being found through sign language .
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