Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [vb base] just [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Hagglers need nerve , particularly the ability to keep calm when they have just turned down an offer but can not yet be sure that another is forthcoming , says the book .
2 The call of their homeland has proved too strong and they have just acquired a 16th-century ruined castle on the Scottish coast which , one day , will be home .
3 Group A will be using the Stanley Library which is directly opposite where you 've just had coffee , and Group C will be using the Reception Room which is back towards the Porter 's Lodge on the right hand side .
4 ‘ But now we 're just trying to forget that part of our life I know that sounds awful but we 've just had to rebuild our lives again . ’
5 ‘ And Mrs Wright , I 'm very sorry but I 've just remembered I did n't lock the door .
6 ‘ It 's a bit of an aphrodisiac apparently , ’ I explained — ‘ which is tremendously useful when you 've just done a two-and-a-half hour show , driven 45 minutes home , eaten a baked potato the size of a human foot , scrubbed off two layers of greasepaint , nose shading , violet eyeshadow and seemingly permanent mascara , brushed one and a half cans of lacquer off the split ends , flossed the gums , massaged the bridgework , popped the ear plugs over the acupuncture needle , put the airplane mask over the anti-ageing eye cream and — pièce de lack of résistance — applied the ‘ Tonic Bust ’ to prevent anything descending further south during the night .
7 that 's right because they 've just released papers after thirty years of work that he was doing for the M O D he was actually doing it in his role as a member of the P R flight , Beaver Brooke sold the government this idea
8 We maybe jus just have n't got it severe cos you 've just had that operation .
9 The centre can also give advice on benefits , which is obviously really important when you 've just lost your job .
10 Not as far as I 've just left them .
11 these can be rather daunting when you 've just set up your ribber .
12 It is natural to find sleeping difficult if you have just suffered a bereavement or you are experiencing difficulties in a close relationship .
13 Then after the elections or rather during the elections , we have to make sure that they are free and fair as you 've just heard and we from Britain and the Anti-Apartheid Movement has to be vigilant to ensure that we have international monitors from the U N , from the European Community , from the Commonwealth and individuals from , from Britain and elsewhere .
14 No , you , I , you just bought that a new cos you 've just landed on it
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