Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But , go back here , it 's interesting that you point out something I had n't really thought about , which is why I tend to use typefaces that are sort of garden variety — printer 's types , as opposed to the sweller Berthold revivals or whatever .
2 But if he 's wrong I mean you ca n't just come back and be contentious if you 're wrong cos I mean otherwise you know it 's , it 's of no pr of no work .
3 I 'm not afraid because I know where I 'm going when I die .
4 That 's right It 's funny when you do n't it 's gon na be two part , I mean you do n't know what heck 's going on , in n it ?
5 The expatriates need facts on how to look for property in the new country , the hotel and transport allowances payable while they carry out their search and any time constraints attached to their property hunting .
6 Therefore , are we not wise in being extremely cautious before we hand over our money supply to a third party ?
7 Be honest when you fill out your monthly expenses below .
8 You know I mean it 's so annoying and I wish now I 'd done at the time , wrote their names down .
9 The the first question is this is this thing about nerves is n't it because that 's the first feeling you have when you got up get up here is and as said I 'm dry already and I have n't even been up there and done it yet the voice is dry and you know then you feel a bit shaky and all that sort of thing and why do we why do we feel nervous ?
10 I 'm not prepared I 'm not prepared for individuals to get up but if your not if you do n't want to listen to what I 've got to say that 's okay but I do n't I 'm not prepared for people to perhaps to start making personal points about people actual work within the I certainly would n't do it I do n't think it 's it 's a question of .
11 It is hard work for most amateurs , using unaccustomed muscles , to double dig a whole plot , and although it undoubtedly improves fertility , the effort and perspiration always feels more justified when you understand why you are expending it — so here is the explanation .
12 The ultimate decision will be taken by the court — and , do n't worry , I shall make very sure that they know precisely what type of person Janice really is .
13 Please make sure that you write down your registration number in the space provided on the sponsor form .
14 You are advised to keep your answer to question 5 as concise as possible ( no more than a few sentences ) ; be sure that you know exactly what you want to say before you pick up the phone .
15 First , be sure that you know exactly what is required , In some questions the statement of the conditions is deliberately written in a complex confusion .
16 Even so , at the very least you ought to make sure that you understand fully what you are committing yourself to before deciding whether you can afford not to press for the document to be amended .
17 Mostly , I feel so inadequate that I think almost anyone could do the job better than I. I mean , Karen 's trained and Edna s had a lifetime s experience .
18 I 'm sure if you look round you can get a lot of electrical goodies cheap , or just as cheap in other places .
19 At this point , however , it is useful if we explain briefly what the principal economic objectives are and now their attainment is influenced by the level of national income .
20 It 's no good waiting too long cos you know how your mam panics .
21 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
22 If we placed as much effort into making a fuss of children when they are good as we do when they are naughty we might make even greater gains .
23 ‘ If Charlie Trumper is half as good as you claim then I 'll have made a very sound investment . ’
24 Auntie Muriel has old-fashioned ideas about what 's ‘ natural- , everything should be natural , which is pretty stupid when you think where she lives , Anyway , she was quite content with the weeds and the gummed-up filters .
25 ‘ As long as they know where I am and who with . ’
26 As long as we know where it is .
27 As long as I know where it is .
28 I mean , you know , if I said I was going to an orgy he 'd say , ‘ Oh , all right , as long as I know where you are ’ .
29 The area is best avoided at night-time but during the day should be safe as long as you know where you are going stop en route .
30 As long as you put clearly what it is you 're putting in .
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