Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Now Botswana could not cut itself off from South Africa during the long years of apartheid but Botswana did make clear that it opposed apartheid and voiced this very strongly and much to the annoyance often of the South African government .
2 Hearing these words and seeing the speaker ride boldly toward him , the tiger was so alarmed that he turned tail and bolted into the forest .
3 He sat at the head of the table in his white shirt , beautifully washed by Giovanna , with a silk scarf knotted at the neck , looking handsome and quizzical as he drank Chianti and told the girls about his less lurid divorce cases and more eccentric clients .
4 The Serbian oborknezovi and bašiknezovi who ran the local administration were left very much on their own by the Turks as long as they maintained order and collected the taxes required of them .
5 It may well be the case — as some commentators have observed , perhaps unduly cynically — that the economic and political situation in 1979 was such that it mattered little what the government tried to control as long as they showed determination and resolve to control something ; the money supply happened to be both a convenient and a relevant variable at that time .
6 I was starving so I had pie and mash twice He had double pie and double mash twice .
7 He could be angry when he saw injustice and evil .
8 The imaginings were so potent that they took wing and rustled round the room , little winged souls , small bird-faced holy ghosts , emanations : the whole room was suddenly dense with the vibration of their rustling , the old-fashioned white tiles with their rounded edges glinted with their reflections , the linoleum shimmered , the kitchen cupboards shook , the morbid whiteness and greenness of the paintwork quivered , the exposed pipes trembled and knocked .
9 He had been amazed when Sutton rang to say he had become editor , especially as the British Telecom line had been so bad that he had misheard and thought Sutton had taken over at Today .
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