Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [coord] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gemma , eight , from Childwall , Liverpool , was left paralysed after she and her family were involved in a crash on their way to a weekend in Pwllheli in June .
2 Gemma , eight , from Childwall , Liverpool , was left paralysed after she and her family were involved in a crash on their way to a weekend in Pwllheli in June .
3 In fact the penis of a sex-murderer , Dewitt Clinto Cook was ‘ so tiny that he and his wife were forced to satisfy one another orally ’ .
4 Any British secondary school head , deputy head or head of department will be acutely conscious that his or her work will ultimately be judged and validated by examination grades .
5 Oh is my laugh vile or what and my voice
6 I feel sure that you and your family are more interesting than some of these people you write about .
7 By making sure that you or your partner are using an effective method of contraception , you will be able to relax and enjoy sex much more .
8 Why are we more selfish , please tell me why am I more selfish than yourself or your daughter or your other colleagues to want a child ?
9 This is not to suggest that today 's B Ed student is less competent than his or her counterpart of the 1950s or early 1960s .
10 Not until er when was it , ooh , I think not until er me brother and I were married and her and me father were together and she used to do a bit of homework er making these er kind of leather bags ,
11 Whatever the cause , the individual who is sexually attracted to young children to an exclusive or obsessive extent is likely to be unsatisfied and unhappy unless his or her need can be met .
12 A manager is as good as his or her secretary
13 But the secret agent is only as good as his or her arch-rival , and the evil organisation in this game is a doozy .
14 He said he would leave me on the wing as long as me and my girlfriend did n't twos-up with each other [ visit one another 's cells during the association period ] .
15 This school will never recover as long as you and your wife are here .
16 At the same time the question of personality is important and the most ideal candidate on paper may be unsuitable because his or her personality would make it difficult to work comfortably with the rest of the staff .
17 Sex is safe if you and your partner are uninfected with HIV and stay strictly monogamous .
18 ‘ We have n't been able to get hold of the boy concerned since he and his family moved away soon after the incident , whatever it was .
19 Their teaching qualifications are of obvious benefit to the church ; the ability of a musical director to teach is as important as his or her mastery of musical skills .
20 He was pleased that he and his wife had been able to talk to the doctor but he was still not sure that he understood about either the X-rays of his bowel or the surgery which might be necessary .
21 ‘ It 's tragic that he and his mother should meet their end in such a fashion .
22 She was going to have her husband was in khaki as a territorial and her and her bridesmaid was going to have khaki frocks to be some of them great velvet frocks .
23 She turned the key in the lock ; the heavy door swung open and she and her family were admitted to the house .
24 He had felt greatly excited as he and his father got up at 5am to travel by bus and train from their home in Heywood , Lancashire to Ben Rhydding near Ilkley where the meeting was to take place .
25 If there are any other adults , other than you and your partner , living in the household ( eg adult children , parents etc , they should read section 5 ) .
26 For a person to become a registered foreign lawyer it is necessary that his or her profession be one approved by the Law Society , and that its rules do not prohibit partnership in England and Wales with solicitors .
27 The papers belonged to a staff officer , who left them unattended while he and his driver visited a used-car salesroom in Acton .
28 Two days later , rather sooner than was polite , Lady Campbell was cold and distant as she and her daughter kissed formal goodbye ; Muriella Cawdor was warm and encouraging ; John 's smile hid a deeper one .
29 Winnie Mandela was grim-faced as she and her husband arrived at the Soweto Magistrates Court .
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