Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] know he [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Known him long ? ’ he asked , but his face was expressionless and she knew he was only making polite conversation .
2 I 'm I 'm not so sure that he knew he was known as the last resort .
3 Because he 's grey because he knows he 's losing , he 's gon na lose his job .
4 It was quite apparent that he knew he was a doomed man .
5 Within minutes she heard the front door of the cabin slam shut and she knew he was gone .
6 Well other than you know he 's he does a lot of television sitcoms ,
7 I know my mother would n't agree and she would be even mad if she knew he was a black boy .
8 The peer was silent but I knew he was following my progress intently because every now and then I had to brush aches from the surface of the uterus .
9 ‘ He went very quiet but I knew he was upset .
10 but it was alright because I knew he was doing it did n't piss me off really .
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