Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] have [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 During the next few days , Cassie was immeasurably grateful that she had her work .
2 I felt relieved that I had my scar from the fight at the summer party and so looked the same as everybody else — I was afraid of appearing different or clever which meant that I would be noticed by the Corporals and picked on by all the others .
3 He will be even more fortunate if he has his conviction quashed , since there was against him an open-and-shut case under section 15 .
4 At least in the hills with FAKINTIL the enemy was obvious and you had your freedom .
5 Pay attention to plants and flowers and make sure that you have your lighting on dimmer switches so that you can dim it right down for dining as well as drawing a veil over any kitchen clutter .
6 Make sure that you have your refrigerator regularly serviced and dispose of old " fridges " carefully .
7 When the sergeant had been to every man , made sure that he had his key , his baton , boots were clean , and all the rest of it , then he told the man when to take his refreshments and what beat he was on .
8 Dr Geoff Spriegel , director of scientific services , explains : ‘ Every gardener knows that pesticides can be very useful and they have their place — even in organic growing .
9 Now he was , I know he blinded me with science but he wa , he was really very good and he had his computer there and he went through all these different societies and plans .
10 The cellulose chains which are laid down in the cell-wall are long and they have their length more or less parallel to the length of the cell or fibre , that is to say in the direction of the applied stress .
11 You know as long as he had his pint and his food he d he was n't bothered .
12 As long as you had your mam !
13 as long as she has her dinner .
14 She could not possibly have known the misery such a revelation would cause him , because now he was forbidden to call her by any other name and he knew from painful experience that Tom Fish would not relent until he had his way .
15 In the run up to Post Office privatisation , it is vital that we have our house in order , so that we can compete effectively in both the parcel delivery and letters markets ’ .
16 I will be short of a little bit of blue so you have your kaleidoscope .
17 You will almost certainly be asked to provide some kind of identification when you go to the hire shop — and do n't be surprised if you have your photograph taken !
18 ‘ My friend Sheilagh up on the mountain is very nervy and distraught until she has her turf in .
19 Nature was dead unless it had his soul in it .
20 I were alright till I had me tea
21 If she was lucky , she would be dead before they had their chance .
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