Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Other aspects of the grammar and phonology of these sentences ( from different speakers ) make it clear that they are intended to be " Patois " .
2 Although it is clear that he is committed to making changes , he has taken up fluent corporation-speak surprisingly quickly .
3 It was clear that he was attracted to her .
4 It is not very clear whether section 17(2) adds a third element or is subsumed in ( b ) , but it is clear that it was intended to be more difficult to obtain an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases than in others .
5 Demand is so high that there is bound to be plenty of interest in two new properties in need of some tender loving care which have just come on to the market .
6 Tony replied that : ‘ When decent people become irrational , something must be wrong if they are driven to such desperate acts . ’
7 Yet , while the pregnancy might have been unplanned and she was destined to be a single parent , termination had never once been considered .
8 Not that you were dissimulating unfelt emotions : you were merely their translator , and you transcended those emotions , imparting to them that furnace heat which makes a work of genius give off light if it is brought to the desired temperature .
9 The reason for this is not clear but it is believed to be related to surface characteristics such as defect chemistry .
10 He saw that the alternative was to suppose that cells become different because they are exposed to different external influences .
11 ‘ Sailors were the élite , ’ Daniel Farson observes ; ‘ guardsmen were less popular because they were known to be out for the money . ’
12 ‘ I always found it very funny when I was referred to as Mr Laura Ashley , especially as I hated my own name , Bernard . ’
13 The carrier arrived at the King Edward Docks and excitement ran high when it was learned to be the Wasp once again .
14 Claire was 15 months old when she was admitted to the children 's ward suffering from asthma .
15 In 1971 I was in command of Venturous when she was sent to the North West Coast of Scotland , a winter patrol specifically designed to keep a check on the foreign fishing fleets engaged in " Klondyking " .
16 It is possible that they were taken to northern France ( Brittany ) by Cornish refugees about 1,500 years ago and that there continued to be trading between the two regions for several hundred years ; there is certainly a theory that the Breton cattle originated largely in Cornwall .
17 Note that as the principal repayment reduces the loan outstanding so it is debited to that account .
18 It is said that his influence came through his extraordinary power , both learned and ‘ uncanny ’ , to rearrange suggestively the letters of the divine Name ( the Tetragrammaton : YHWH ) , which are so sacrosanct that they are considered to be unpronounceable .
19 I feel very sad that it 's fallen to me to make the decision to close after 4 generations .
20 A lethal tree is growing out horizontally from the righthand bank , not visible until you are committed to the bend .
21 Troy has the mental age of a seven-year-old and he was sentenced to death for kidnap and murder , though Mr Stafford Smith does not accept that he did it .
22 Most walkers use the good choice of refuges , hotels and gîtes — though booking ahead is not easy and you 're committed to reaching a bed each night .
23 The experience of being on Iona is nothing less than magical and I am moved to tears .
24 The smile froze on her face as his words , jocular though they were meant to be , slammed home with the force of a bullet .
25 The town is full of Tyrolean charm , and the naturally extended welcome to be found in this corner of Austria is every bit as warm as it 's reputed to be .
26 I was always terribly shy and I was sent to what were known as elocution lessons — to get me out of myself .
27 The Jockey Club believes that in the long term Sunday racing without cash betting is impractical and it is resigned to trying to bring about a change in the legislation by a private members ' bill .
28 The grumbles of J. Alfred Prufrock in early Eliot are endurable if they are meant to be ridiculous , but only then ; and sitting around on Margate sands , or anywhere else , trying to connect nothing with nothing may be all right for Harvard men abroad , but ( as Eliot must already have discovered when he wrote The Waste Land ) it has nothing to do with the daily life of the Londoner .
29 All these transactions were secret , for there would be little use in keeping a paper alive if it were known to be owned by a political party .
30 His predecessor , Nicholas Ridley , had favoured the building of Foxley Wood , but his approach to the environment was so unpopular that he was moved to another department .
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