Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [verb] [to-vb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is clear that we need to sell and bring in a fair amount of money before we can think about buying again . ’
2 It was quite clear that he intended to resign and that he had no intention of joining a coalition , even though the King had urged him to head one .
3 While the prospect of reconciliation between the king and the archbishop grew , it did so because on the one hand the papal ruling on royal taxation of the clergy had been relaxed , while on the other the king 's relations with his leading magnates were now rapidly deteriorating as he sought to raise and pay for an expeditionary force to Flanders .
4 I was 19 years old when I made To Have and To Hold , but Humphrey Bogart was never my idol .
5 The college 's principal , Professor Norman Gower , said he was sad that it had to sell but added : ‘ The cost of preserving Thomas Holloway 's main benefaction left us with no alternative .
6 Shopworker Marian Clarke , 27 , of Hornsey , said : ‘ You could tell from the warning that it was real and everyone started to run and the police were shooing people away from the buildings .
7 Some children get worried or feel uncomfortable because they fail to chew and then try to swallow large lumps of food which cause them to gag and vomit .
8 One evening , he was probably either tired or feeling very daring for he decided to ride and entered the yard in style , unfortunately being spotted by the farmer who started to use his horsewhip on the small boy .
9 His dedication to the subject was complete and he continued to write and give high quality papers at various conferences .
10 After Venna , above , that means that the accused is guilty if he intended to create or is reckless as to creating fear or as to touching and the outcome is actual bodily harm .
11 I felt awful as other children were upset and their mums looked horrified so I had to go and explain to each mum individually why I thought she did it and say that they were to feel free to stop her themselves and explain .
12 " She 's just told me her sister has been taken ill and she has to go and look after her .
13 There may well be those who believe that plants should be rigidly seasonal and I tend to agree but nature goes its own way and Galanthus nivalis subspecies reginae-olgae is a true end of year Snowdrop .
14 Some of them used to come to the Accademia and to me they 're still welcome if they want to come and speak .
15 I had started to feel very tired and I decided to try and find somewhere to have a sleep .
16 Mum says there are some round there in Golden Black if you want to come and see them .
17 Julia asked , not sure whether he wanted to talk or not .
18 ‘ I 'm sure when you bother to go and see for yourself you 'll find Chester 's a very attractive investment proposition ! ’
19 Diamond is the hardest of all substances and the hardness of diamond is useful when one wants to cut or scratch or grind materials and this is its main industrial use .
20 Critical thinking is , however , essentially negative as it seeks to dissect and not to build .
21 Hence , learning takes just as long as it takes to present and record the examples .
22 You 're fine , as long as you stick to caution and sincerity .
23 After getting the flying bag and doing all the planning and paying Operations , we were so hungry that we had to go and eat at what turned out to be an excellent restaurant where all the airport employees go as well as the passengers .
24 Some parents describe feeling so frustrated and angry that they want to hit and hit their child .
25 The ceremony was thus quite depressing when I had to sit and listen to a boring , unknown , dreary , old codger who was ‘ GIVEN ’ an honorary degree — which course did he attend ?
26 However , we soon stopped smiling when it started to rain and the wind got up ; the sealant , which had n't yet hardened , started to dilute , and one by one the secondary glazing panels were blown in. the wind started to blow bubbles in the gooey sealant , which then floated around the room , only to burst and leave a sticky mess on the carpets and furniture .
27 Its lowest note is the B b below middle c , and from the G above that it begins to rise and soar expressively .
28 The problem facing and other maltsters is that whisky production is cyclical and we have to forecast and adjust for trends in consumption many years ahead .
29 So , we 're , we 're skint and I want to go and get some
30 When Princess Flavia read this , she was very worried and she decided to come and see me .
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