Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [verb] it to " in BNC.

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1 Even so , in her darkest moments , wrong as she knew it to be , Constance could not stop herself thinking , If only it had been Mummy .
2 I thought this was odd so I mentioned it to my bank , who were seriously unimpressed .
3 The Warwickshire nature trust is tiny when you compare it to the total amount of woodland managed for sports use .
4 The Warwickshire nature trust is tiny when you compare it to the total amount of woodland managed for sports use .
5 was more valuable than I expected it to be ;
6 You 'll have spent at least one day testing everything to see if it 's okay before you show it to the public .
7 Carrying a tray of glasses would have been easier if the floor had been stable but I made it to the far end with only a lurch or two and delivered the goods as required .
8 I made sure that I enjoyed it to the full , although it was wartime .
9 Although momentarily tempted by the seductively rich chocolate dessert Sabrina 's willpower held firm and she gave it to Graham .
10 ‘ And I think it 's going to be very important that I sell it to the Congress and the American people , and that we have a partnership here . ’
11 But because it was idealistic it was the more persuasive when he preached it to his young contemporaries .
12 The Trevi Fountain was magnificent , too , although Nicolo was almost apologetic when he showed it to Caroline .
13 She hesitated before adding , ‘ I doubt if Anna would have to get you drunk afore you did it to her . ’
14 The training of nurses to prescribe will be vital if the service is to be as widely available as we want it to be and if it is genuinely to benefit patients .
15 To make matters worse , there was a cast to his expression and a pitch to his voice which Harry found strangely familiar , as if , inconceivable though he knew it to be , they had met before .
16 And the crew were much pleased when they found it to be
17 One of my sisters got quite hysterical when I did it to her , so Mum had to give her a good shaking !
18 It tastes delicious and I pick it to the bone like a meticulous cat .
19 Erm the point that you put to me I think two or three questions ago wa was related as I understood it to the the alignment and the network of the lanes .
20 The problems arise when we shift to the first person , asking how we come to have knowledge of the world , and asking how we are justified in dismissing the possibility that reality is wholly other than we take it to be .
21 So , having accepted that the 25SE is something other than we expected it to be , let's examine it more closely .
22 She could not be certain that she wanted it to be true .
23 It 's not expensive if you couple it to an off-peak Economy Seven meter .
24 Ensure that any resulting stock is not too salty before you add it to casseroles or other recipes .
25 This conspicuous absence of Dryden , though it helps to show that Pound needed no intermediary in his traffic with Virgil , also exposes a dispiriting limitation to Pound 's taste , so catholic as he meant it to be : he never stretched his originally late-Victorian conditioning so far as to appreciate the masters of the English heroic couplet .
26 So it 's not the six thousand figure , that that 's not really relevant as I see it to the debate about the forecast because that was simply a partial opening the bypass .
27 The question we must now turn to is : can one of the subsidiary arguments for the justification of authority supplement the main argument and show that at least the authority of relatively just governments is as wide as they claim it to be ?
28 He said the idea of a single currency was ‘ even less realistic than I believed it to be nine months ago ’ .
29 I hate to say this but I do rather think from the bruising that someone did it to him . ’
30 And after a day as peaceful or energetic as you wanted it to be , there 's an evening of good company and good food to enjoy .
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