Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun] be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the population is Russian-speaking and Russia is the country 's closest economic partner .
2 British and Cosmopolitan were the insurers , I presume . ’
3 Dinner seemed to be hardly Italian at all , except that there was spaghetti , so English and German was the company .
4 It was clearly a site of some importance and it is not impossible that Rochester was the centre of one of the four Kentish kingdoms mentioned by Caesar , although by the time of Claudius ' invasion these kingdoms appear to have been united under one ruler .
5 Matthew is equally convinced that Jesus is the focus of the Spirit 's activity .
6 The News Chronicle 's Alan Dent was convinced that Ken was the show 's ‘ mainstay ’ ( the Sunday Express said he was the ‘ main prop ’ ) ‘ an impish sprite who does many unaccountable , inscrutable and impish things ’ .
7 So this is a major complication and I think this shows why Freud had to introduce this second model of the mind , because in his first model of the mind it was very simple and repression was the force that distinguished conscious from unconscious .
8 Spires of crimson and carmine and blood were the rocks , changing colour even as she watched the new day burn off their sugar-frost coating .
9 It is sad when boredom is the reason for married couples losing interest in sex .
10 If you begin to feel better , then it is likely that hyperventilation is the cause of the trouble .
11 On stylistic grounds it is likely that Wastell was the designer of much of Lavenham church , Suffolk , between 1495 and 1515 , and the tower of Dedham , Essex , from 1494 .
12 More nodding and croaking was the answer .
13 From this graph , we see that increase in reaction time is directly proportional to the number of alternatives , by Hick 's Law : where k is constant and N is the number of equally probable alternatives .
14 LINEAR REGRESSION — For practical reasons , the relationship between two variables is often described by a linear model , in the form of Y=A+BX ( where Y and X are the dependent and independent variables , respectively , A is a constant and B is the regression coefficient ) .
15 Selection is inevitable and flexibility is the name of the game .
16 Re-arranging ( 8–38 ) , we have in steady-state where s is the propensity to save ( ) .
17 Black and white is the theme here and a large white claw-and-ball bath is strategically placed in the centre of the room .
18 So great and rapid is the devastation that some have feared that the entire reef might disappear — even though it contains 3000 separate coral islands , stretched 2000 km along the Queensland coast , and covering an area the size of Great Britain .
19 And great and pyrotechnic were the battles that followed — the sun wheeled across the sky , the seas boiled , weird storms ravaged the land , small white pigeons mysteriously appeared in people 's clothing , and the very stability of the disc ( carried as it was through space on the backs of four giant turtle-riding elephants ) was threatened .
20 I will tell you plainly that so far as I am concerned that objective is the promotion of books … . ’
21 What is more important than gender is the personality and skill of the fieldworker in overcoming the feelings of suspicion the police have of all outsiders , especially in the more enclosed and threatened world of the RUC , and in our case the field-worker 's gender seemed no bar to her obtaining access to the masculine ‘ canteen culture ’ of the men or to participating in conversations on the topics which are popular in that culture , which van Maanen describes as ‘ sports , cars and sex ’ ( 1981 : 476 ) .
22 Consider for example : ( 10 ) Haberup made his golem angry If Haberup is the person who originally assembles the golem , he may , through design or carelessness , have produced it so as to start its " life " in an unpleasant frame of mind ; sentence ( 10 ) will describe this situation on condition that the adjective is taken as a predicate qualifier , and in this case ( 10 ) does have a matching question with how ?
23 His ambition was to create art even though he was blind and sculpture was the answer .
24 We are now unsure whether Blanche is the victim in A Streetcar Named Desire .
25 It is not inconceivable that Merewalh was the son of a sister of Penda .
26 Looking back , I noticed for the first time how wind-bent and close-cropped were the cypresses .
27 If we change every to and any one to , where e is small and n is the number of , then we can never have for any subset of nodes .
28 Hence the four-momentum vector has an invariant where m is the rest mass of the body involved .
29 A positive diagnosis was significantly more common if dysphagia was the reason for referral ( 65.9% v 35.3% , p<0.01 ) .
30 Dreary and dark 's the way we are going .
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