Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [verb] not [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I really am sorry I did not call you , ’ the smart-suited diplomat urged the girl on , his accent heavy Nigerian .
2 ‘ I am sorry I did not contact you before — things just moved too quickly .
3 And there 's no use getting in the exam on Thursday and say ah well I 'm afraid I 've not done it on that arm so erm lost
4 It is precisely the interest in the old which does not interest them .
5 His face was without the offensively avuncular smile that usually accompanies such trite statements ; and something intent about the look he gave me made it clear he did not mean it tritely .
6 When she knew she was pregnant she did not tell him , she kept it secret .
7 If Maggie was envious she tried not to show it , but it was hard not to make comparisons .
8 Have you been of work for a while then with the dreaded flu ? ? . i hope your little one did not catch it it is a particularly strong virus that is going around at the moment .
9 I suppose I was lucky they did not kill me .
10 Two psychiatrists said that although Bourgois was mentally ill they did not believe he needed to be detained further .
11 But if we ( rightly ) say that God has to be unchangeable we do not mean he is static any more than if we say ‘ The Equator ’ is not the name of a poison we mean that it is safe to eat it .
12 How can I be sure you have not given it away to another ? "
13 Tip one culture ( the whole culture , including the flour ) into each container , making sure you do not get them mixed .
14 ‘ … we are of course much gratified to hear of your safety and that your expedition is progressing so prosperously : at the same time the Letter although a long one does not tell us half the things we most wished to know : it does not say ought of your movements , when we may expect you home , how Mrs Gould is , whether your attendants have answered your expectations , how Mastr .
15 However , despite some change in secondary selection , it remains the case , most remarkably , that though wartime and free education made the arguments of economy , fairness and impartiality more applicable they did not make them universally acceptable .
16 The piazza is huge , and roads meeting there are wide and not easy to cross ; you need one eye on the traffic , one on the trams and another on the tramlines to make sure they do not send you sprawling .
17 For instance , it has been noted that when ‘ parents are depressed and irritable they do not take it out on all their children to the same extent : often one is more or less scapegoated .
18 Moray and Robert Stewart had similar tales to tell of the poor leadership and rash foolishness at Halidon Hill , although being themselves young and inexperienced they did not see it in quite the same terms as had the veteran Keith .
19 Then send a message to the guest , Mrs Jones , making sure it does not alarm her , asking her if she could possibly call at the manager 's office .
20 I told him , although it was not true , that the local carabinieri had said he would not remain locked up there for long , but I am sure he did not believe me .
21 Thus the ghastly memories brought back to him by an egg ; or his feeling , so terrible he does not express it , when 20 years after Maidanek his friend Michael has forgotten his name .
22 Whatever , it was plain he did not like it .
23 ‘ But as the driver was being so grumpy I decided not to mention it to him . ’
24 Because the first one was quite small I did not give it the full ‘ advance ’ treatment that I usually do .
25 He knew nothing of the other facts and , as he continued relentlessly , Jenna was pleased she had not told him .
26 For when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
27 Carey addressed the wealthy directly , quoting Jesus ' parable about the sorting of the goats ( the wealthy ) from the sheep ( the poor ) in St Matthew 's gospel : ‘ The curse is upon you … for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
28 He knew , instantly ; his gaze went to the girl who had so intrigued him and he was only amazed he had not seen it right away .
29 No , no , she was certain he had not spotted her .
30 If Father Branche was surprised he did not show it , but no doubt he was well used to English women in Rome and the kind of things they were likely to do .
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