Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it [be] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is not MAS practice to fix fees solely contingent on the price obtained for the company ; however , acting on a part fixed/part contingent basis is acceptable provided it is judged that the interest in selling is genuine , the price expectation is realistic and there is likely to be at least one buyer .
2 This theory became popular when it was observed that , in many cases , flying objects , noises and mischief all appeared to centre around an ‘ owner ’ .
3 The Electricity Council stated : ‘ the cost benefit ratio of installing FGD … would be very high as it is anticipated that the generating costs of a power station fitted would rise 25–30 per cent … ’
4 Hopes were high when it was found that even if the organizer tissue were killed it could still induce , for this offered the possibility of extracting the responsible chemical signal .
5 The line manager should offer as much support as possible although it is acknowledged that in certain circumstances the individual might wish to seek support from another colleague rather than their line manager .
6 But this result becomes understandable once it is appreciated that in order to predict the outcome of a change of context it is necessary to know what associations have been formed , how each affects behaviour , and how susceptible each is to the contextual change .
7 Is it not also serious that it is implied that the Home Office knew about that involvement at the time ?
8 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
9 I shall here consider three such attempts to connect past and present : firstly , that which I shall call a ‘ kairos ’ approach , in which the past is basically normative but it is said that there can be development ; secondly , that which I shall call the ‘ golden thread ’ approach , in which a leading motif is lifted out of the past and applied in another situation ; thirdly , that which I shall call an ‘ a priori ethical ’ position , in which essentially authority is seen to lie in the present but there is not perceived to be any fundamental clash with the past .
10 This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions .
11 The original Milnes four wheeled cars were now getting very decrepit and it was found that the nine bogie cars would be quite sufficient to provide the normal service between West Croydon and Mitcham , so a number of Milnes cars were stored away in the back parts of the other two depôts .
12 Many takeovers in Europe are friendly and it is said that two in three are negotiated without merchant bankers .
13 A coherent school policy on Standard English is possible if it is recognised that all these views are legitimate .
14 This will normally be impractical and it is suggested that the purchaser may wish to distinguish between the following three levels of consent : ( a ) critical consents ; ( b ) material consents ; ( c ) ancillary consents .
15 Well in in general er the original work plan had divided up the production work to share out the technology and this meant that components were being shipped around more than actually they they needed to be or that was economic and it was found that there was the potential to concentrate manufacturers sub-assemblies for each of the major components of the aircraft and subsequently assemble the major components in one country rather than several .
16 However , gold and silver colourings , though stunning in effect , do not taste pleasant and it is suggested that they are not eaten in any quantity .
17 He became very confused and it was suggested that the squadron would like something which she was wearing at the time .
18 Now , with unemployment set to reach two million by Christmas , they are no longer welcome and it 's estimated that over 60 per cent are unemployed .
19 In 1973 , approximately 14% of the persons training for building surveying were doing so through full-time study ; still a minority , but trends were obvious and it was predicted that seven years later , by 1980 , that percentage would have increased to around 30% ; in the event the figure was 46% .
20 This is particularly remarkable when it is considered that Roddick has made no acquisitions and has no major plans for diversification .
21 This time , the crew were in such high spirits that they dropped Nickles over the heart of Berlin , spirits that were somewhat subdued when it was realised that they could not close the bomb bay doors after combing .
22 The hypotheses considered in the preceding section of this chapter ( that pre-exposure allows the formation of a stimulus — no event association , and so on ) still remain viable provided it is allowed that the associations they envisage can still be assumed to interfere with retrieval .
23 The acoustics in the hall are not good and it was agreed that something ought to be done to improve this .
24 The acoustics in the hall are not good and it was agreed that something ought to be done to improve this .
25 The parental vote will be even more powerful if it is proposed that a school should opt out of local authority control and transfer to grant maintained status .
26 We are therefore presented with a book which was not ‘ written in order … but like as the matter came to the creature in mind … for it was so long ere it was written that she had forgotten the time and the order when things befell ’ .
27 This is a paradoxical fact for those empiricists who think that new theories are derived from the facts in some way , but it is quite comprehensible when it is realized that precise experimentation can only be carried out if one has a precise theory capable of yielding predictions in the form of precise observation statements .
28 For present purposes the oldest classification into fringing reefs , barrier reefs and atolls ( Fig. 8.33 ) may be retained as long as it is realised that , although these are commonly occurring forms , there are many others ( Guilcher , 1958 ) which it is very difficult to fit into these simple classes .
29 On the one hand it would be perfectly in order to write the biography of a poet as long as it is understood that it would be ‘ on a par with biographies of generals and inventors ’ ( Tomashevsky 1978 : 55 ) and was not mistaken for literary science .
30 Perhaps the most elegant formulation of principle was given in Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd where it was said that if a reasonable man standing in the shoes of the recipient of the information would have realised that upon reasonable grounds the information was being given to him in confidence then this should suffice to impose upon him the equitable obligation of confidence .
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