Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] when [art] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 The approach is exciting and when the fall is suddenly revealed around a bend in the path , the effect is electrifying , a shock to the senses .
2 The body 's response to alterations in fluid balance varies according to the rate and volume of fluid loss , the effects being more apparent when loss is rapid or when the patient is already debilitated .
3 ‘ The same will apply to a ruck if the ball becomes unplayable except when the referee is unable to determine the team responsible .
4 Another theory could be that their eyesight is so exceptional that when the water is clear they can fill their stomachs in a very short time and are therefore , for most of the time , not hungry and ignore anglers baits under these conditions .
5 Though the women accept the necessity for this , they still mourn the pigs ' passing , and the men have to make sure that when the meat is served out , the women do n't know which pig it came from .
6 For example , loading the stomach with food or water directly has some satiating effect , but not as great as when the substance is also allowed to pass into the intestine or has previously passed through the mouth .
7 They have to be loud because when a sound is broadcast its wavefront advances as an ever-expanding sphere .
8 The consequences of being on the receiving end of such a notice are , of course , little less severe than when an expulsion is put into effect .
9 It 's important that when a member is made redundant that he keep in contact with his industry , so that he 's in a position to be able to regain employment and also regain employment for his , for his or her fellow unemployed .
10 However , only 20% of the code gets tested and when the software is recompiled and run under these other environments , it often does n't work properly .
11 However , only 20% of the code gets tested and when the software is recompiled and run under these other environments , it often does n't work properly .
12 Without Gollum Good could never have succeeded in destroying Evil and when the Ring is gone the Elves feel forced to leave Middle Earth because there is nothing more for them to do .
13 The chart is particularly useful for detecting when information about action completion is not available and when an action is required which is not triggered by information from the situation .
14 It is true that when the adjective is used in attributive position there is no syntactic or morphological difference to reflect the two possibilities .
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