Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she could [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some of her nails were still silver , Lee noticed , and some were so clear that she could see the blood through them .
2 At Pook 's stables the yard was empty although she could hear the horses in their stalls .
3 He was old and she could see the empty teacup was trembling in his hand .
4 It was even possible that she could argue the case for Chester 's survival in a calm , rational way , if only she could overcome this personal aversion to her unwelcome holiday companion !
5 She looked so relaxed and happy , smiling up at her husband , that George was convinced that she could have no idea that her attacker was employed by Stephen .
6 Her heart was thumping so hard that she could feel the breath catch in her chest .
7 Only he did n't , merely narrowed his eyes further , then pulled her against him so tight that she could feel every sinew and muscle from knee to chest , and a lick of frightened excitement curled along her nerves .
8 To the watching girl it became increasingly obvious that she could expect no more help .
9 It was touch-and-go whether she could reach the pram before it either overturned or leapt from the rocky wall at the foot of the bank on to the road , along which traffic was speeding in both directions .
10 She could n't follow the swift flow of Spanish but she could hear the reply .
11 She was n't sure that she could offer the same kind of commitment in return , or that she wanted so much responsibility .
12 ‘ You 've probably lain like that with dozens of women , ’ she threw back at him , not caring what she said as long as she could exorcise the intimate pictures still flashing through her mind .
13 Her shoulders felt stiff and she could feel the beginnings of a headache gnawing at her skull .
14 The picture in Julia 's dream was so vivid that she could feel the sun on her face , and even in sleep her eyes screwed up as though against the glare .
15 She knew it sounded unconvincing and she could read the continued disbelief in his eyes even as she spoke , but it was n't right , the way he was managing to give a nasty twist to everything she said .
16 A friend said it would be wonderful if she could have a wood with an obelisk where she could go and sit , ’ says Gwyn .
17 They kissed again and John held her so close that she could feel the beat of his heart , but then he said stubbornly , ‘ I wanted you to know , love , but I do n't want us to be known as a courting couple , not by our families or anyone , until I get this cleared up . ’
18 Roman was standing close to her , so close that she could feel the warmth from his body .
19 Luke moved so fast that she had no time to back away as he turned her into his arms and held her to him , so close that she could feel the hard outline of his thighs through the damp towel , the heavy steady beat of his heart against her breast .
20 The open neck of his shirt was so close that she could see the sheen of sweat on his skin .
21 She found it unnerving to be made aware that she could want a man so much physically when her mind was totally against it .
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