Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But however one expresses it , all the evidence is that the quantum phenomenon and the uncertainty principle are unavoidable and that they occur in every branch of physics .
2 A more recent commentator on Marx 's concept of ideology , Jorge Larrain , accepts that the concept is vague and that it has to be worked out from what little Marx wrote ( Larrain 1979 : 36 ) .
3 What has been taken as kind of definition , which I 'll paraphrase I think for this purpose , is that it 's a condition that shows itself in children 's reading difficulty and erm that they are having this reading difficulty despite the fact that they have had reasonable , normal teaching , that their level of intelligence appears to be normal and that they come from an adequate social cultural background .
4 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
5 I must admit the Hockin style was inclined to be more racy than that I used for the Gazette .
6 Remember that Dickens was writing before Freud had begun to uncover the immense complexity of the human personality , before William James 's pioneering work on consciousness , which showed that our conscious mind is not solid but that it runs like a stream , swirling endlessly around symbols , associations from the past ; always moving , never at rest .
7 Before a module is accepted by LIFESPAN , its header is checked to ensure that all its constituent keywords are present and that they contain at least the minimum amount of information required .
8 None the less , it is clear both that they are substantial and that they have to be offset against any putative gains in efficiency brought about by the internal market .
9 These data suggest that the state 's contribution of resources to elderly households through the provision of support services is , for most services , not substantial and that it varies with the type of household .
10 He said it was n't long and that she worried for nothing and I changed the subject .
11 ‘ I 'm sure that you 're aware that my mother was American and that I lived in London for many years as a boy when my father was military attaché at the German Embassy .
12 ‘ I do n't think I have much else to prove … other than that I want to be the best player in the world .
13 No erm it 's , it 's more recent than that I think in nineteen fifty the election was on a Tuesday .
14 Finally , having confirmed that the details are correct and that you wish to offline this package , press the RETURN key .
15 It was once considered obvious that the earth was flat and that the sun went around the earth , yet since the time of Copernicus and Galileo , we have had to adjust to the idea that the earth is round and that it goes around the sun .
16 But then , having exhausted his recollections of the circumstances of his writing the paper , he switched to more personal matters and enquired carefully how I was getting on in a way that made me reel that my mission had been worthwhile and that I had by no means wasted his morning .
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