Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As your agent , I should advise you against it — my cut will be so minute that I 'll lose it through a hole in my pocket .
2 And at the end of that fifty thousand years , if that 's what it is , the populations are sufficiently different that I 'd think you 'd want to put them into a different species if — I mean how are you to know , but I mean it 's a reasonable judgement .
3 I 'm the father of a two year old and I 'd like him in school by the age of four to learn Japanese .
4 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
5 It was funny cos I could hear them talking and I was really sort of like
6 Well , you know , it you see , time were , I do n't know I suppose , I do n't know but I never seemed to be afraid and I used to have my or something round my waist , a belt with the keys hanging on and they supplied me with a as well , one of these , I do n't know what they 're made of they were n't all that heavy but still they were heavy enough to keep on .
7 I said I thought it would be OK but I would phone him back if not .
8 Oh I am sightless but I can sense my environs and weary utterly of them .
9 I think that , had the girls been from today 's society the situation may have been different but I will assume they are from the same background as the boys were .
10 It may be possible that I shall meet them all again one day .
11 But it 's all for the rest of my life , an important fact for me , and to say , OK , I do n't need it any more , it has to be a very strong and bad change inside Kirov , I will be so upset or so unoptimistic or so helpless that I will feel I can not do anything more .
12 In other words , my guard was now so strong that I would wake myself up rather than allow myself to eat , even in a dream .
13 I was fearful that I might find you down another alley . ’
14 I had already made my debut in Scrutiny , however , and he may have felt that this made it appropriate that I should have something equivalent in The Criterion .
15 A towel that I 've put over the radiator to get warm so I can wrap it cosily round myself and hug myself dry .
16 I mean they 're the ones who are badgering me for , for qualifications , they 're badgering me for , I , I , I just told them straight that I will do it for them because I , I wo n't get paid for it
17 She said hesitantly , not fully understanding how to frame the words , ‘ Two beliefs war within me : I am convinced that I will find my way back home again .
18 I do not pretend that the following list is comprehensive and I shall give it without much comment , allowing the reader to form his own judgement as to its significance .
19 I should get her the ballet shoes cause it was a ballet dancing that would be very appropriate and I 'll get her some flowers .
20 Erm the sums behind it I 'm not too bothered about but I 'm gon na go through them because they 're quite instructive and I dare say there 's some poor souls here who 'd actually quite enjoy me to do that so we 're gon na go through some of the sums , not now but a bit later on .
21 I saw her and I , I be honest with you I hid , I be totally honest and I 'll tell her the same if I see her because I 've just found out then that they could n't do any more for me dad and I really did n't want to speak or see anybody and I sat in the canteen on my own , I just said to me mum , mum on the phone I said mum I need to do this on my own I said I 'm just gon na have a coffee in the cafeteria and I do n't know if you 've been in there but the cafeteria is all glass and she pulled up in a white van delivering something to the office , I thought oh no it 's Jenny she 's the last bleeding person I want there , I do n't mean that
22 I will take it easy and I will have myself checked by a doctor .
23 I got to the door and looked in , but all was dark and I could see nothing .
24 And erm but it was most inspiring But I would appreciate it even more now
25 They 're also , Mr Mayor , interestingly coming out in favour of the individual but I must admit I applaud that and at long last in some , admittedly very modest way , er they are moving , I wo n't say to fiscal responsibility , but at least they 're learning the lessons of the recklessness of the past of their policies .
26 And it has to be perfect before I shall allow you to go on to petit point . ’
27 He was clutching his attaché case as usual and I could see he was strolling slowly along the path that runs the outer perimeter of the lawn , deeply absorbed in thought .
28 Under Chambers 's auspices I 've prepared a questionnaire on ( intermediate ) learners ' dictionaries , along with a piece of sample text and a batch of parallel extracts from four other publishers ' dictionaries of about the same level , and I 'd be ever so grateful if I could send you about 10 of these sets to distribute amongst fellow teachers and some of the students , as you think fit ; and of course I 'd be pleased if you 'd answer one yourself .
29 In the massage parlour at lunchtime , Molly Lugg told me her son was now unemployed because his boss , Trevor Proby , was ‘ in chains ’ and she would be grateful if I could find him something to do , as he spends all his time kicking his heels , mostly through shop windows in the High Street .
30 I shall stay alive until I can catch him .
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