Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] to be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A reviewer of a hangman program recently suggested that the detail was so gruesome as to be unsuitable for young children !
2 Merton 's proposals for the sociology of science are so limited as to be unrecognizable in terms of Mannheim 's formulation of the sociology of knowledge .
3 It was the saloon-bar cliche ; so obvious as to be apparent to the least sophisticated political intelligence .
4 Even knowing that I shall never be so stupid as to be vain about it , but be grateful , be terribly glad ( especially after this ) to be alive , to be who I am — Miranda , and unique .
5 The distinction between males and females is held to be so fundamental as to be unworthy of comment .
6 What that points to , minimally , is a developmental process in which students are enabled to be critical and to be self-critical in an informed way .
7 A survival of Second Empire technology could be so small as to be incapable of spreading its influence , or the science could have survived but not the necessary manufacturing techniques for its propagation .
8 This certainly makes room for the many capitalist configurations found in history But some of Poulantzas ' critics have complained that , instead of creating a theory , all he has provided is an overblown list a set of descriptive categories so various as to be applicable to any social formation , and lacking any explanatory bite .
9 On balance , they believe it to be a flexible enough approach to SSE to be applicable to different school circumstances , to be institutionally penetrating and to be capable of bringing about changes in schools using it .
10 Overall , the neck has a slightly chunky feel , although not so big as to be restrictive for those who play with a more classical style .
11 When the southernmost stars also were divided up , the whole situation became somewhat chaotic ; various astronomers invented their own constellations , some of which were so small and so obscure as to be unworthy of separate identity .
12 He/she must walk a tightrope too : interpret a tentative remark too directly and you may sound rude — but reproducing it too closely to the original may sound so tentative as to be confusing in the other language .
13 Forward of the deckhouse are four more cabins , two on each side of a passageway wide enough to allow a sailbag to be dragged through but not so wide as to be dangerous at sea .
14 Not only may viruses incorporate themselves into our DNA , but there is now a suggestion that some viruses at least may have arisen from bits of our own DNA which have escaped from our cells and become so modified as to be capable of independent existence .
15 In addition , the spurs between the meanders preserve the general height of the plateau surface away from the river , except where they are so narrow as to be subject to general lowering by the formation of the slopes on either side .
16 The USSR is not so monolithic as to be devoid of élite politics .
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