Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time .
2 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time , we went for Peter Beardsley , but it was not right for Everton .
3 He need not be interested in it at the time when the insurance is effected .
4 I was very prone to them at the time , mainly because I was undertaking only light and sometimes very spasmodic training .
5 As a small boy I recall a very old gamekeeper ( at least , he seemed old to me at the time ) talking of gypsies having tame stoats in captivity .
6 so I 've shared a room with erm this chap Tom who was er he had been in the First World War and er though he seemed old to me at the time , I suppose he was probably in his thirties and erm he joined the Home Guard and erm lived , because he was bombed out where he lived in he moved out to Coptock had accommodation out there and er he was in the unit at Coptock and so that used to take up quite a bit of his time and other erm members of staff were , of course also had fire watching and erm various civil defence activities , quite apart from the work on the A R P shifts .
7 He may have been dependent on me for the time being for his physical well-being , but at the deepest level he was dependent on Montaine .
8 Well I was very sad about them at the time and if you may remember , I did say publicly er that I very much hoped the Conservatives would think again and rejoin the Conservative Party .
9 It certainly contributed in a more direct manner in that most of the food we ate had a high carbohydrate content and , although I was unaware of it at the time , I put on a lot of weight .
10 The G M B's got a long record of joining forces with others which has proved to be successful , but if we 're gon na be honest , it 's always been recognized that we would be the predominant union and yes Apex members we should have been honest with you at the time of merger , because it 's quite clear you was gon na lose your identity to at least to some extent and we should have been honest about that .
11 ‘ After having been a teacher in my past , my best answer is this : kids always seem to want to learn stuff that 's way to hard for them at the time .
12 Without her being conscious of it at the time , her struggle for independence rotated around the figure of Hansel .
13 The position of Battalion Entertainments Officer was no longer held by Charles within five minutes of the drop of the curtain and although that was gratifying to him at the time , in spite of the manner of his dismissal , there were additional deprivations inflicted by a scandalized CO , that were not easy to bear .
14 I was n't sure about it at the time
15 What was fascinating to me at the time , was their naming of teachers whom I also recognised , from familiarity with the five or six schools in that particular area of south Oxfordshire : I could immediately apply a cross-bearing as it were of confirmation that what indeed singled out these teachers was a vividness of personality , a cheerful infectious enthusiasm and an unusual energy and commitment .
16 The suggestion made there is that it is only equitable that the jurisdiction can not be exercised against a creditor unless the same conditions are applicable to him at the time he receives the payment as are applicable to jurisdiction over the debtor .
17 I was n't very happy about it at the time , anyway , I was , her being , I think he was only when were they married ?
18 The amounts as well as qualifying ages have been altered several times since 1986/87 , so any rebate would only apply to allowances that would have been due to you at the time .
19 She had been rather grateful to him at the time .
20 Yeah , but the thing is right they 're sevens and they 're gon na be too small for them by the time holiday gets round say September
21 It must be said before we proceed further that this model is so new that no handbook was available to me at the time of writing .
22 Save for one matter , to which I shall refer later , there is no criticism of the judgment or of the order the judge made on the material that was available to him at the time .
23 I , I actually think they probably did use up all that was possible available to them at the time , and so , in some ways , this is against the spirit of the policy , although the policies have been changed , and I hear what Councillor said about improvement to the place , and so I do n't think we 'd serve any useful purpose in stopping these people doing this , because they 're probably not the people who were responsible for the flagrant disobeying of the rules at the time .
24 Then I hesitate to say that there 's probably a more complex issue now even than the Fire Station , erm , the figures which are given incidentally are the original estimate there , because that was what was available to us at the time .
25 We Was it apparent to you at the time that the wage was low ?
26 We all worked and lived at the same place and it seemed pretty cool to me at the time , but it started to become more and more negative until it got to the point where I wanted to leave … and I realised that they would n't let me !
27 The non-robbed make more relaxing if complacent company and Gilles , big loudmouth that he was , gave out an air of confidence that was appealing to me at the time .
28 She smiled nervously at Sergeant Phyllis Henley , who had been kind to her at the time of their parents ' ungainly departure from life , but uncompromising .
29 It is difficult to assess the long term benefit of such a campaign as individual cases now coming to light clearly heard some of the publicity which was beneficial to them at the time but did not result in them making a call at that particular time .
30 Phone if you want me to saddle up the mare and I 'll have her ready for you by the time you get down here . ’
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