Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [noun] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But this is , I believe , slightly misleading , for although he is right about the mixture of often contradictory emotions , it is wrong to give the impression that the weeping is of the same order of emotional experience related to the child being a patient in actuality .
2 Our study also indicates that αβ T cells are unnecessary for the generation of apparently normal γ T cells .
3 There were many people in Greece who felt grateful for the repression of even minor social disturbances , such as that of Dyme in Achaia about 116 B.C. , so typically described in the letter by the Roman proconsul Quintus Fabius Maximus to the magistrates of the city : abolition of debts and contracts ( SIG 684 ) .
4 In fact , the reader will seek in vain for an explanation of just how the column-inches in 2 million articles in local American newspapers over 12 years are converted into the 10 ‘ megatrends ’ .
5 It might seem odd during a period of so much innovation and advancement in photographic technology that a film developer formulated in 1891 should still be so popular today , over 100 years on
6 In Russia , station positions were as rigidly hierarchical as the classification of both stations and passenger accommodation into five categories might indicate .
7 Can we just agree one final bit of detail before we pack in , there are a number of procedures now either which we be re- prepared as the basis of today 's discussions , we have only got two , have we , is there just two ? three three 17 18 and 21 21 , I 've got 17 18 21 is choices , it was the first one to come round .
8 Progress was defined as the continued existence of a lack of change , and as far as the Junker lords were concerned the variety of civilisation represented by Western European societies was conspicuous for the absence of specifically German Kultur .
9 This method is adequate as a system of nationally consistent statistical recording but as a feeder to influence social policy legislation from the experience of clients , the recording system has sometimes been inadequate .
10 It 's natural , because peace drives have come and gone , so it 's easy to be doubtful about the success of yet another one .
11 And we might still be doubtful of the existence of causally effective mathematical facts , without wishing to say that no mathematical beliefs can therefore be justified .
12 In terms of the present debate between capitalism and socialism , they are fundamentally different from the prescriptions of both Karl Marx and Milton Friedman .
13 On the other hand , the argument for gender neutrality is less clear in the context of less radical reform .
14 That no final accommodation between these diverse conceptions of the boundaries of English was achieved is clear from the re-emergence of precisely the same argument , but now within a much wider public domain , in 1981 .
15 They do however share one thing in common , they are all quality products , and have always been high in the list of best selling computer games on all hardware formats .
16 Answer guide : Managers would be using it to plan future activity levels , order stocks , employ labour etc. whereas bankers are more interested in an overview of where the business is likely to go and perhaps also as a monitoring tool , although it is doubtful that such a level of sophistication is applied to the majority of enterprises .
17 Members of congress , by contrast , enjoy great power without responsibility ; it is possible for them to wallow in carping criticism and to engage in other negative tactics free from the anxiety of ever having to shoulder the responsibility for government — a burden that the president can not escape .
18 You 're right Harley , there is nothing altruistic in the motivations of either Novell or USL .
19 But this is itself dependent upon a number of rather more enduring features , perhaps the most important of which has been the continual growth in demand for overseas holidays despite the deep recession in the economy .
20 It is , however , dependent upon the attitudes of both artist and client .
21 Fifteen-a-sides , rightly in my view , will always be more important but the fact that sevens could be used to improve handling skills — which , pity on us , lie dormant for most of the domestic league programme — is unequivocal on the evidence of here and Canberra last week .
22 YTS has been a major provider of new opportunities and through its funding mechanism , its special assessment and age exclusions , and its provision of special equipment and services , it has shown itself to be responsive to the needs of very many young people with disabilities and learning difficulties .
23 Too much sunlight might impress upon me the idea of how much more agreeable it would be out of doors rather than hunched over a sheet of almost blank paper .
24 The affair highlighted the fragility of Endara 's government and the extent to which it remained dependent on the presence of nearly 10,000 US troops .
25 Keeping up permanent co-ordination between personality and outer appearance is as oppressive as never daring to appear in public without a set of fully matching clothes and accessories .
26 The pirates and the Famlio were stirring , brandishing or fondling weapons , looking enraged by the entrance of yet another rival .
27 They did kill an estimated 1,500 Japanese for the loss of only 40 of their own men ; a sharp contrast to the 166,500 Allied losses ( mostly prisoners ) in Malaya , Hong Kong , and in the Dutch East Indies , where the Japanese lost only 15,000 men in the campaigns of the 1940–41 winter .
28 ( Benn is as vicious about the appearance of only one other person — the ‘ stubby , dull , ageing ’ Princess Margaret . )
29 The primary prevention of neural tube defects by periconceptional multivitamin or folic acid supplementation seems to be appropriate for the reduction of both occurrence and recurrence .
30 ( c ) Where a beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body dies , a member may notwithstanding sub-paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) of this Rule , continue to hold such share for the personal representative of the deceased for a period of not longer than twelve months from the date of the death ; provided that voting rights shall only be exercised in respect of any share held in reliance on this sub-paragraph where the only personal representative in respect of the deceased beneficial owner 's interest in the share is a solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body .
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