Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] [adj] per [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Balanced Banking is also proving popular with around 50 per cent of the customers joining Balanced opening a new high interest savings accounts , and these accounts show higher average balances than for savings accounts not linked to Balanced Banking .
2 Although the CD4 counts of the 877 people given AZT were consistently greater than those of patients receiving only placebo , the first three years of follow-up have shown that the proportions of people in the two groups progressing to overt AIDS or even to death were not significantly different at roughly 18 per cent .
3 According to Smil ( 1984 ) , severe erosion is now symptomatic of c. 80 per cent of the region , of which more than half is very seriously affected .
4 On the high street a sales rise at Next Retail of just 3.6 per cent compared with an increase in trading space of 17.6 per cent speaks volumes about Next 's unbalanced expansion .
5 For example , between 1965 and 1975 current expenditure rose quite rapidly as a proportion of GNP , while capital expenditure remained ‘ reasonably constant at around 5 per cent ’ ( Foster et al .
6 Since 1945 the distribution of university entrants by social class has been relatively stable with around 60 per cent coming from upper non-manual backgrounds ( social classes I and II ) ( Robbins , 1963 ; UCCA , 1986 ) , a group which until recently have comprised only around 18 per cent of the births .
7 Despite these house price rises , housing conditions in Manchester remained poor with almost 30 per cent lacking exclusive plumbing facilities .
8 Given the straits to which the British economy was reduced in 1947 , when it was necessary to ration even bread and potatoes , an outflow of capital equal to about 8 per cent of national income and nearly equal to total net domestic capital formation ( including stock-building ) is a very extraordinary event .
9 Such bonds are generally equal to about 5 per cent of the tender 's value .
10 It found that the company 's true deficit for 1982 was some 200 billion ( CEFE 1984 : 22 ) , a sum equal to roughly 1 per cent of GDP , and that , unless it was checked , it could reach 400 billion pesetas or even higher by 1986 .
11 With women , even allowing for the fact that slides of material from three sites , urethra , cervix , and rectum may be examined , this early diagnosis is only possible in about 50 per cent of cases .
12 MANUFACTURING industry was responsible for nearly 13 per cent of all start-ups in 1992 at 59,150 — the highest share for the sector since 1980 .
13 Customs sources claimed that the alleged ring laundered some £19 million in drug profits for Colombia 's Madellin Cartel , believed to be responsible for nearly eight per cent of the cocaine smuggled into the US .
14 Brazil is responsible for nearly 12 per cent of carbon emissions in the world , according to the director of the National Institute for Space Research , Volker Kirchhoff .
15 President Bush has yet to be convinced that ‘ going green ’ will translate into real votes come the presidential election later in the year , and his advisers ( who enjoy nothing so much as bashing a few Greens on the media before breakfast ) have sown so many doubts in his mind about ‘ the lack of scientific evidence ’ that global warming is not seen to be one of the challenges he now faces — despite the fact that his country is responsible for nearly 30 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide , the main greenhouse gas .
16 The £5 billion UK packaging industry consumes six per cent of total energy but claims to be responsible for just one per cent of waste .
17 According to Wang Yangzu , deputy director of the agency , these businesses account for only 4 per cent of polluters but are responsible for over 60 per cent of the total industrial pollution caused .
18 Created in 1968 to give Dick Crossman a new and senior job , the Department of Health and Social Security was responsible for over 40 per cent of all public spending .
19 Also , UK-based artists have been regularly responsible for over 30 per cent of the world 's record business .
20 In 1972 the US had by far the biggest fleet , with 98 of the largest class of tuna seiners , and was responsible for almost 90 per cent of the dolphin kill .
21 Certainly , because those very small farms contribute so little to agricultural productivity — just 29,000 farmers out of about 120,000 commercial holdings are responsible for almost 60 per cent of farming output — many people within the industry query whether or not the very small farm should be legitimately classed as a farm .
22 Nitrous oxide is also responsible for about six per cent of the greenhouse effect .
23 These foreign-owned firms were responsible for about 20 per cent of UK manufacturing output — a slightly lower proportion than in France , West Germany or Italy , but becoming more diverse as investment from the EC , Japan and other industrialized countries increased while that of the USA declined .
24 It is responsible for around 79 per cent of deforestation , 72 per cent of arable land expansion , and 69 per cent of growth in livestock numbers … some 4.5 million square kilometres of additional wildlife habitat will have to be converted to human uses — equivalent to four-fifths of the total area of nature reserves in the world in 1990 . ’
25 Although the share of state borrowing in total company finance has recently been relatively small at about 10 per cent , in a qualitative sense even a small loan by a state institution carries a seal of approval that enormously enhances the standing of companies with their banks .
26 This showed some recovery until 19 6 7 or 1968 , followed by a further and very sharp decline , in particular of about 50 per cent .
27 Medium-sized practices of six to 10 staff are the least optimistic with only six per cent expecting a rise .
28 London , by contrast , came bottom with only 62 per cent of respondents saying they were satisfied with their health services .
29 Although most polls suggest Labour 's support has remained steady at about 40 per cent for much of the campaign , while the Tories have lost ground to the Liberal Democrats , the difference between the two main parties is still within the margin of error .
30 Whichever figure is accepted , it can be seen that they are uniformly low at below 5 per cent , even in more recent years .
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