Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was so different from what Oxford might have been , with its gracious spires ; here there was only the nearby cathedral , set on a slight rise , with its graveyard stretching up the hill .
2 You must look suspicious like our Jeannie used to look .
3 I was concerned at what Tom might have unwittingly given away .
4 Those who are familiar with their Wordsworth will remember in the poem Michael , 1800 , the following lines :
5 Contrary to what Lily might think , a twosome was an inaccurate indication of partnership .
6 He was already rich , powerful , successful beyond anything Swift could have given him , and that meant only one thing — he had not married her to become chairman of a vast investment house , because he was already chairman of his own !
7 Alan Middleton has recently moved to Aberdeen with Christian Literature Crusade , pray that he would settle into his new role in that place and that Alan would be open to what God would do through him in the coming months .
8 We need to be open to what God would say to us through our link missionaries .
9 We need to be open to what God would say to us through our link missionaries .
10 He was now frightened of what Newton might do .
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