Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] long [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , some sort of pattern can be teased out of the most disordered subject though it may take half a dozen attempts before a pictorial structure emerges ; such an unhurried approach is not always possible for the long distance traveller .
2 JULIE-ANN , 18 , needs someone to keep her sane during the long winter months .
3 Specks of the blood spattered his face , then the Frenchman was falling away and his dying weight ripped his body clear of the long steel blade .
4 In some countries where religion is not acknowledged to be in any way a necessary part of life , and also to a lesser degree in some where it is , the very important regular holidays , i.e. the single days or short periods of relief from work , which are spaced throughout the year , and which are additional to the long summer vacations , are fixed by arbitrary law and not by reference to religious feast days .
5 According to a DCDA telephone survey four places in Stockton are said to be very rarely vacant and 21 on North Tyneside , due to be ready from April , are already subject to a long waiting list .
6 Some people say there is more sniffing in the summer , but perhaps it 's just more obvious in the long summer evenings .
7 Ben climbed them slowly , tired from the long row back .
8 The right food and drink are vitally important to keeping warm and healthy in the long winter days .
9 The right food and drink are vitally important to keeping warm and healthy in the long winter days .
10 One top Australian fashion commentator says : ‘ Diana looks great in the long slit skirts , but she 's got the figure and the legs for short skirts , so if she wants to wear short , good on her . ’
11 They are responsible for the long range planning activities of the firm and they will set the overall goals .
12 The electrophysiological mechanisms responsible for the long QT interval and torsades de pointes in patients with acquired and idiopathic LQTS are uncertain .
13 Hofstede 's recent book proposes that the Far East Manager is much more concerned with a long time horizon for the team than is the European or American manager .
14 The major objective of the trial was concerned with the long term management of patients after their initial variceal bleeds .
15 Aunt Tossie 's dressing-table was a picture of proper arrangement , quite unlike her tumbled bed , or the pink satin corset playing fast and loose with the long slit drawers thrown together on a tapestry chair — a chair covered in great beaded roses , laughing at the fun , over one arm black lace stockings trailed negligent as if there was no tomorrow .
16 However , this is not unusual for this industry due to the long lead times involved and in fact only represents a recovery to 1988 levels .
17 Pointing out that the Budget changes represented the most fundamental change in oil taxation for ten years , Mr Laidlaw added : ‘ Commitments to drill wells under current licences were made on the basis of the existing fiscal regime and the widespread acknowledgement that fiscal stability is essential for the long lead times involved in offshore developments . ’
18 The voluntary sector , therefore , has an enormous role to play , in all our lives , and investing in it , is essential for the long term future of commerce and industry , for without it , the cement would not , would not set , and cracks would appear throughout our society .
19 It is a good thing to stop coffee anyway from a general health point of view but the benefits of this would only be apparent from a long term change , not just for a few days .
20 Clinton was there wrapped in a military cloak and Dacourt , looking rather ridiculous in a long night gown , stood near Vulcan 's stable .
21 Everyone has their own idea but history shows that certain elements are essential to the long term success of an indie .
22 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
23 Indeed , that was without question and in Australia he had been really excited about the long term prospects .
24 A cropped and fitted jacket nips in to show off a neat waist and looks trim with a long line skirt .
25 Calling in Sir Bernard Tomlinson to throw together a salvage package as market forces take their toll can not replace the well resourced , experimentally oriented planning apparatus so vital to the long term health and development of a real national health service .
26 Only the experienced with a long Tiller record were considered .
27 The second would be at the City Airport , where BA might offer attractive low fares , sustainable over a long time period by cross-funding from their worldwide profitable operation .
28 The success of the rights issue has underpinned the strong rise seen in the company 's share price since the beginning of the year as analysts are positive on the long term benefits of the acquisition to the company .
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