Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [conj] they 're " in BNC.

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1 Yes yeah , I , I 'm also very disappointed that er er , in the negotiations that they did n't er er , come up with any sort of housing erm I think the , it 's mucking any future negotiations with other partners or developers , speculators whoever they may be , I think it 's important that we have , er we strike a balance between bu houses for sale and rented accommodation because , I mean they need to now the building er , this house for sale and each time we we we we knock down flats or building and ga gave the land free of charge to the speculators we have to de-count people , those people are moving th the existing te er people on the waiting list and they 're getting moved further and further back and er I think i i i it 's a very worrying situation where we are continually giving land free of charge and they 're getting no rented accommodation .
2 But the truth is , they 're afraid of Lewis and they 're trying to milk the title for all it 's worth . ’
3 But the truth is , they 're afraid of Lewis and they 're trying to milk the title for all it 's worth . ’
4 And they felt he was bored at home because they 're out quite a lot
5 I 'm not opposed to links when they 're relevant , I 've in fact argued and encouraged them and defended them where they 've taken place and I believe that they were important but I do n't believe in them taking place where they 're irrelevant and er where they er are unhelpful .
6 So may , you may have a bay for example that 's in an area where all the rivers draining into it are rich in copper because they 're running over rocks which are copper .
7 A lot of men are under the impression that a divorcee in her forties is so hungry for sex that they 're doing her a huge favour by providing it , at very little inconvenience or cost to themselves .
8 They 're open in character because they 're not built upon .
9 er she 'd came home , she said I 'm not dancing no more I 'm finished so we said alright fair enough , she 's joining er trying for the police she comes on holiday with us in the October , she come home September , come on holiday with me in October she met this young fellow , she got engaged at Christmas and they 're getting married they , they
10 Some good news on the A one , the earlier abnormal loads which were heading southbound and causing some quite lengthy delays near to Boroughbridge , they 're now parked up near to Wetherby so they 're not causing too many problems at the moment .
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