Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] as well [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Rolle says that the first two stages defined in Ego Dormio are possible for actives as well as contemplatives , though he does comment that during the second stage his pupil will want to be alone " to thynk on Criste , and to be in mykel praying " ( 65 – 66.158 – 9 ) .
2 ‘ It would be different for Jeff as well if he had a job here , but he 's just on holiday .
3 Note that the construction assumes that B is altruistic towards A as well as vice versa .
4 Club discount booklet holders will find that they can get into some of our favourite discos in resort , such as Heroes and Banana 's free of charge as well as getting reductions in many other bars and restaurants .
5 The uncertainty map is a concept developed from working on-line with managers as well as from retrospective case analysis .
6 A report on Manchester mills in 1784 condemned their low ceilings and floors overcrowded with machinery as well as noting the effects of cotton dust and friction-heated oil .
7 That the CEO 's and the lathe operator 's problems are different in quality as well as quantity will come as no surprise to anyone .
8 The population is predominantly English in birth as well as residence .
9 The software will be available direct from SMCC as well as from Sun Express and SunSelect , sending a clear message it wants to be a one-stop shop for corporate customers .
10 It must be cheap to do , cheap to find out , economical in time as well as money .
11 For those of us interested in food as well as fun , ‘ Red Arrow ’ sprouting broccoli is earlier and heavier cropping than other varieties .
12 Now that he knows it 's himself he ca n't help noticing the slightly ridiculous and embarrassing qualities — the way the young man frowns importantly as he talks about his job , and waves his arms about when he gets stuck for words ; and the way he smiles insincerely at Howard from time to time , and looks straight into his eyes in an effort to demonstrate that he is interested in Howard as well as himself .
13 Resorts that are glorious in mid-summer can be bleak and damp in winter as well as pretty dull when the tourist season is over .
14 If regulation is involved , those charged with performing the surveillance should be seen as responsive to consumer as well as producer interests , if they are to reflect societies ' preferences .
15 Sarsby , ( 1984 : 130–1 ) echoing Cheater , points out that ‘ anthropologists have tended to study people whose values and life-styles are different , even in their own society … [ seeking ] the unfamiliar at home as well as abroad ’ .
16 For they deny the existence of the pagan gods , of whom the Emperor was one ( so that they were guilty of treason as well as irreverence by refusing to acknowledge them ) .
17 The Gyrovap can cope with 240 samples at a time and is appropriate for water as well as organic solvents .
18 The books which were in the house were of another kind and pursued a different and more old-fashioned simplification ; some of them were indeed Victorian in fact as well as in tone , relics of her grandmother 's childhood .
19 Certainly many of the ‘ Perry positions ’ are visible in staffrooms as well as playgrounds .
20 It is an exploration of [ a ] vocabulary … which has been inherited within precise social and historical conditions and which has to be made at once conscious and critical — subject to change as well as continuity — if the millions of people in whom it is active are to see it as active : not as a tradition to be learned , nor a consensus to be accepted ; … but as a vocabulary to use , to find our ways in , to change as we find it necessary to change it , as we go on making our own language and history .
21 Is work in the arts seen by both sexes as crucial to self-development as well as to a possible vocational choice ?
22 It is likened to a heaven full of stars , yet better than such because his wounds are efficacious by day as well as by night , and not only can not be obscured by clouds but positively drive away clouds of sin ; a net full of holes in which the meditator prays to be drawn to the bank of death ; a dovecote full of holes of refuge and a honeycomb full of cells of sweet honey ; a book written in red ink — matter for the meditator 's attention at " matyns , pryme , houris , euesong & complin " ; a meadow full of healing and delightful flowers and herbs ( 96 – 7 ) .
23 The CAN-get-away-with-murder calorie counter : This dieter is heavily overweight ( by several stones ) , large in height as well as bulk .
24 Shiva smiled sadly and asked why not but he knew he was being unfair to Adam as well as to himself .
25 It lessens the risk of coronary heart disease , is good for lungs as well as heart , keeps muscles and bones healthy and in women helps to prevent osteoporosis ( thinning of the bones ) .
26 The sum is this : that varieties of association are excellent good for books as well as bookmen .
27 He knew he had done nothing , knew beyond suggestion 's reach that he had been innocent of action as well as intention .
28 Her school is very good with time as well and she manages to get most of her work done .
29 Impartiality can be irritating to viewers as well as to governments — though much less so to viewers .
30 She was good at art as well but her friends could n't explain why she burst into tears for no apparent reason during a painting class one sunny afternoon .
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