Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Does he appreciate that for every single day that he and his right hon. Friend have been in office in Whitehall place , we have similarly lost 25 farm workers and 14 farmers ?
2 From everything she says , it 's clear this gilgul 's been on the scene for quite a while — there is no way she could have learned what she 's learned , cleaned up her act and become who she is now if the only time she 's had to do it in was the brief interval between our confrontation at the Mephistco stand and her appearance on the beach at Bournemouth .
3 Ever since the first public park was opened at Ormeau on Easter Saturday 1871 , the commitment to providing public open space has been on the increase .
4 In early March 1989 it was reported that the UK , Italy , Netherlands and Spain had agreed to study costings for a joint army Light Attack Helicopter ( LAH ) project ; a Franco-German joint project had been under way since late 1987 ( see p. 35665 ) .
5 The Liberal Democratic Party has been through many name changes since the 1987 election .
6 The possibility that the CAB basic training course should become a recognised certificated qualification has been on the agenda .
7 The notion that Pretty Polly was simply beaten by a better horse at the distance on the day was well down the list of possible explanations for her defeat , and George Lambton aired the widely held view that jockeyship had proved the decisive factor : Bachelor 's Button ‘ was a sterling good horse , especially at Ascot , but he was not a Persimmon , and if a real good jockey had been on Pretty Polly I think she might just have scrambled home . ’
8 Again I accept the constant parental care has been of the highest calibre and I remind myself of the many tributes to the quality of that care in the evidence before me .
9 In response to Air Ministry Specification R14/24 calling for a large , long-range flying-boat , Blackburn Aircraft ventured into this field for the first time in 1924 with their RB.1 Iris ( Blackburn 's previous flying-boat experience had been with the diminutive N.1B and Pellet single-seat designs ) .
10 Which is , of course , roughly where conventional rubbish-collection policy has been for a long time .
11 The combined numbers of these three are perhaps 100 or 200 at the most , although an urgent conservation programme has been under way since 1980 .
12 Many possible direct effects were ruled out by the test program and Mayo eventually concluded that a complex emotional chain had been behind the productivity changes .
13 The most important contextual change has been in the labour market .
14 What I was erm doing was trying to identify the three er characteristics of the er Maoist Communist Party as it emerged towards the end of the nineteen thirties which really disqualifies it , I think , from the label Marxist , means that it 's a completely different type of organization to what the Chinese Communist Party had been in the nineteen twenties .
15 For many years the beautiful Yellow Sword has been by far the most desirable livebearer in the European hobby .
16 The Jamaican born bowler has been in superb form in the Cheltenham Festival … on Wednesday his bowling against Essex could swing the match .
17 The only absolute increase has been in intermediate non-manual workers .
18 The results represented a success for the Moderates and for two parties who exceeded for the first time the statutory 4 per cent threshold for parliamentary representation — the Christian Democrats ( whose only previous representation had been in 1985-88 when one of the Centre party 's seats was allocated to Christian Democrat in an electoral pact ) , and the New Democracy Party .
19 Cuddling Alex , Mary Demetriou said her £10,000 , two-year legal battle had been worth it .
20 Macmillan 's exceptionally successful Mexican operation has been in place for years but now Mexico is everyone 's tip for the top — ‘ The most exciting country in the region , ’ says David Phillips of Linguaphone ; ‘ The biggest without doubt , ’ says David Stewart .
21 The formation of a Franco-German military force had been under discussion for several years , and a 4,000-strong brigade had been agreed in principle in November 1987 [ see p. 35665 ; 35913 ] and started operations in October 1990 [ see p. 38473 ] .
22 A common agricultural policy had been on the agenda of Europe ever since Sicco Mansholt had put forward an early version to the Council of Europe in 1950 , though its roots lay further back in time in a series of discussions sponsored by the European Movement .
23 After the 1945 election more than a quarter of the Conservative parliamentary party had been at Eton .
24 Another important use of statistical grammatical information has been for the grammatical tagging of natural language corpora .
25 It would be helpful to David Wilson to know if either of the organisations named above or any other similar organisation has been in touch with you or any of your staff and also to indicate to him the nature of this contact and details of what was being offered .
26 The future of the Swiss nuclear industry had been in doubt for a number of years , particularly since the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union [ see pp.34460-62 ] , and in 1988 the government had halted plans to build a nuclear power station at Kaiseraugst near Basel [ see p. 36499 ] .
27 An Arab League-sponsored ceasefire has been in force since 23 September .
28 Ray 's only other acting experience has been with his school plays .
29 Either way , by 1933 it was evident how successful the holders of local socio-economic power had been in retaining it and in evading or openly flouting unwelcome legislation .
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