Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] are [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Many interesting architectural features are to be observed in the village , including the stables and carriage house , built at the end of the 18th century just after the house .
2 ‘ The standards on which Scottish Vocational Qualifications are to be based will be the national standards of performance in each industry .
3 However , what does seem to me to be both dangerous and impermissible is the judicial superimposition , under the guise of statutory construction , of a principle , supposedly based on some parliamentary intention nowhere expressed , that genuine transactions carried out in conformity with unequivocal statutory provisions are to be annulled or rendered ineffective because undertaken with either the sole or the predominant motive of obtaining the fiscal benefits which those provisions confer .
4 Although the more generally noticed constructional shoreline features are the large sand and shingle formations , interesting minor features are to be observed on many beaches , among them beach cusps and sand bars , for the formation of which little or no longshore drift is necessary .
5 The following specific policies are to be adopted for material accruals and prepayments :
6 However , it must be said that our test tractor was one of the first to come into Germany , so perhaps some early trim problems are to be expected .
7 He has exposed our Prime Minister as the leader of a Government of environmental law breakers whose leading environmental criminals are to be found at the Department of Transport and the Department of the Environment .
8 It is encouraging to see that the Society is also moving with the times and its work with people with a disability , mothers and toddlers and its preparations for the arrival of National Vocational Qualifications are to be commended .
9 The British troops were very friendly with the Madeirans and many courted the local girls , which is said to explain why so many fair-haired and blue-eyed men and women of obvious Anglo-Saxon ancestry are to be seen in Madeira .
10 Three major Islamic options are to be considered — the maintenance of Muslim tradition , or the pursuit of modernisation , or the messianic or indeed the modern fundamentalist path of revolution .
11 If substantial public funds are to be made over to voluntary associations then , as Griffiths intimates , some form of audit ‘ becomes essential : and this raises the question of the independence of voluntary organisations , which is said to be one of their great virtues .
12 Smaller areas of good fattening pasture are to be found in other parts of the country , but before attempting to finish cattle on grass , the smallholder should ensure that the three main conditions — a long growing season , constant subsoil water supply , and good drainage — are met .
13 Existing continental distributors are to be retained .
14 Acute psychiatric cases are to be treated in general hospitals or new Crisis Intervention Centres .
15 Major mobile invertebrate predators are to be found in the phylum crustacea which includes crabs and shrimps and in the phylum mollusca which includes a wide range of predators from octopi and squid down to tiny nudibranchs .
16 The full 13 parts are to be shown later this year but only the very-hard-to-please will jib at the prospect of seeing these three programmes again .
17 In general restrictive practices are to be banned .
18 SICK and wounded victims of the Yugoslav civil war are to be airlifted to Britain and treated on the NHS .
19 Decaying inner cities are to be found in the South as well as the North , and there are areas within the South in which high unemployment , deprivation and poverty exist .
20 A considerable proportion of self-employed temporary workers are to be found in industries in which the overall level of self-employment is high .
21 PERSISTENT young lawbreakers are to be locked up in tough new training centres under proposals announced by Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke yesterday .
22 If other professional advisers are to be involved in the due diligence exercise , then it is advisable that they participate in these early discussions , so that they can liaise and prevent unnecessary duplication of work .
23 The close links between the Fabians and Milner 's kindergarten on the one hand , and the personal link in Chamberlain 's own career between radical reform and tariff imperialism — he wanted the Conservative Party to hypothecate the financial yield of the preferential tariff to providing old age pensions — are reminders that at the beginning of the century ‘ social imperialism ’ did not sound the paradox it does today , and that the forefathers of modern British Socialism are to be found in larger numbers in the ranks of the imperialists than of the Little Englanders .
24 If the joint tenancy is severed by agreement then the notice of severance or declaration of trust which would have the same effect ( see precedent in Kelly 's Draftsman , 15th edn , Butterworths , 1986 , p673 ) should specify in what proportions or shares the equitable interests of the former beneficial joint tenants are to be held .
25 In addition , at the time of writing it would appear that two other major projects are to be implemented .
26 It is understood that appointments to Central Committees and other key posts are to be confirmed with Moscow .
27 Two distinct justifications for the market clearing , full employment assumption of the new classical macroeconomics are to be found in the literature .
28 New retaining bolts are to be fitted to side members .
29 Some interesting reactions from a cabinet member on the receiving end of the doctrinal ministrations of Meese and other Reaganite hawks are to be found in the reflections of Terrell Bell , a Republican moderate and Secretary of Education in Reagan 's first administration .
30 UK Corporation tax and other overseas taxes are to be provided as if the completion account date was an accounting period date with the relevant tax rules apportioned in the ratio of the period from [ date , 19XX ] to completion , to the whole year .
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