Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] if [art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 In these studies , in common with many others , it has not been possible to discover if the change was a primary defect or merely a secondary effect of the disease process .
2 These applications are not regarded as a mere formality by most courts which may require the originating application to state the grounds in proper detail , for example that the lessor may require to occupy at the expiration of the lease ; that the premises are temporarily surplus to the needs of the lessor ; that the lessee has indicated that he only requires the premises for a limited period ; that there is to be development at the expiration of the term ; that the lessor is only prepared to grant if the section is excluded ; that exclusion of the section has been taken into consideration in negotiations for the rent , or possibly that the premises form part of other premises which brings the provisions of management of the whole into question if the section is not excluded .
3 The groups themselves need very careful organising if the work is to be anything more than structured play .
4 Test holes have been bored to see if the land is suitable for building but no reply has been received .
5 This is usually fairly easy to arrange if the prize is a holiday or a large piece of equipment and if the prize structure is fairly small .
6 A basin will be easy to fit if the bedroom is next to the bathroom .
7 Such airborne chemicals are likely to accumulate if the ventilation is poor .
8 Criteria were divided between two types : primary ( child care ) criteria which concentrated on assessing familial circumstances likely to pertain if a child were to remain at home ; and secondary ( disclosure ) criteria which either substantiated or refuted children 's and young people 's disclosures .
9 This was most likely to happen if a lordship was left without an adult male heir .
10 This is fine if they have an agreement with a large maintenance company , but it 's less likely to happen if the service is provided by the company itself .
11 These complications are only likely to set in if the infection has been present for some time , and this is only likely to happen if the infection is an asymptomatic one .
12 He says that ‘ four out of five cars would be unable to run if the lead were removed . ’
13 Well intentioned as the EEC goal is , it is worth remembering that four out of five cars would be unable to run if the lead were removed .
14 You will not otherwise be able to tell if the dog is marked in this fashion .
15 It is often difficult to establish if a site is liable to flooding and it can be easily overlooked during the site investigation .
16 For breeding , then , at least two snails are necessary , but I ( and others ) have found that they are more inclined to breed if a group is kept .
17 Steps cut into the patio or terrace are not difficult to construct if the ground is firm , as it will only be necessary to cut the step shape into the hard earth .
18 The submission , however , was not accompanied by any governmental endorsement or comment , bar the statement that Mendès-France did not regard it necessary to resign if the motion was defeated .
19 The frequency changes as the train passes and the high note is when the train is coming towards us and the low one when the train is going away , and you get the same effect with light except that instead of being high and low it 's blue shifted if the object is coming towards us and red if it 's going away .
20 Whatever the cause , a holiday in a cleaner environment should be sufficient to show if the workplace is the source of trouble .
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