Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [conj] [pron] [be] only " in BNC.

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1 The British complained when they were only given a quarter of new EC fishing quotas despite providing sixty per cent of the fishing grounds .
2 Yes cos that 's easy to round if there 's only oh sorry that 's the last name of contact we had .
3 Alfred 's shop looked as though it had been closed and deserted for months ; it was hard to believe that it was only three days since a few people , at least , had been entering through the rickety door with its small glass panes to buy patent medicines or seek advice .
4 But it is important to realize that it is only relatively recently , especially during the 1980s , that the full picture has begun to emerge .
5 They are also happy to accept that it is only because we have these mental states that we behave as we do .
6 There is currently another ‘ Al Jolson ’ in Glasgow who would be better off singing in a silent movie , so it is important to remember that there was only ever one real ‘ Al ’ , and he regaled Glasgow with ‘ Mammy ’ and the rest in real sound for a six-week run .
7 It was important to remember that it was only a few hours since Floy and Snodgrass had left Tara , the Shining Citadel , the Bright Palace , and that there was not very much that could have gone wrong for them in those few hours .
8 That night he was unable to sleep and it was only after taking aspirin tablets that he was able to get any rest .
9 It is important to note that it was only the statements of this man and his wife which contained any evidence of Paisley 's knowledge of the crimes , and the juries determined that they were not trustworthy witnesses .
10 ‘ Katherine , you 'll be pleased to know that I 'm only here for a few days .
11 It was difficult to believe that she was only a few years younger than his mother ; both mentally and physically she belonged to a different generation .
12 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
13 14–16 ) was right to say that it was only with the Peloponnesian War that the real migration from country to city took place .
14 One would expect works on Religion , Philosophy and the English Classics in the library of a scholar but it is surprising to find that there are only a handful of books in Gaelicin the collection of one of the translaters of the Holy Scriptures into that language .
15 It would be misleading to imply that there were only three strata of funeral existing at the end of the sixteenth century — monarchial , noble and guild ; what one had depended entirely on one 's status .
16 However , it remains true to say that there is only one scenic mosaic in the east before c- .
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