Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] if it [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Labour must now display some political creativity if it is to offset the effects of Major 's plans for Toryism .
2 Procedures for conciliation and mediation between the two sides of industry should be encouraged , and contractual relations established at the European level if it is deemed desirable .
3 This will require leadership and generous resourcing if it is to produce results .
4 It 's basically that we feel the group has to be thrown into different circumstances if it 's going to be stimulated , if it 's going to change .
5 The animal 's essence ( or the Spirits of Nature ) will seek redress or retribution against the hunter , his family or social group if it is killed without prior approval or proper conduct .
6 It is as well to appreciate that a body in free fall from a fixed starting event will follow different geodesics if it is given different starting velocities .
7 French move : A large French multi-national , Saur , is planning to expand its water interests in the UK by investing in Scottish water if it is franchised and not sold off .
8 Whatever type of path you intend to lay , you will have to give it a proper foundation if it is to last for any length of time .
9 That is to say , the infant must convert stimulation from light rays , sound waves , from the speech stream into the appropriate representational grist if it is to get the kind of information that it requires from the world ; but this gleaning of information does not constitute thought .
10 A pensions directive is currently being prepared by the European Commission and it will require extremely careful consideration if it is to achieve the desired effect of not restricting labour mobility with the European Community .
11 However , the therapist must be careful not to give the client an entirely free choice if it is believed that one , or a combination , of the client 's difficulties are central in maintaining the others .
12 ‘ The BBC must therefore have a clear vision if it is to retain its role as the cornerstone of British broadcasting and continue to command respect and admiration in Britain and throughout the world .
13 The BBC must therefore have a clear vision if it is to retain its role as the cornerstone of British broadcasting and continue to command respect and admiration in Britain and throughout the world .
14 There are two courses open to the British government if it is to maintain its reputation , on which it prides itself , of honouring its commitments .
15 At the very least a clear case is owed a clear explanation if it is rejected .
16 On this approach , a shape can be recognized as a whole without the constituent parts being recognized as such ( a part is represented in a radically different way if it is seen as a Gestalt in its own right ) .
17 The area will face a herculean task if it is to find a new occupier for that factory .
18 Fostering for disabled children can be a satisfactory alternative , but studies in Britain and the USA demonstrate the need for very careful and supportive work if it is to succeed .
19 Well that should be a freezable job if it 's warming up and going wrong .
20 SERAFIN : You notice the central heating if it 's turned off .
21 Any part of the cost of a development which is attributable to plant and machinery will generally qualify for a 25% annual allowance if it is used for the purchaser 's trade or leased by the purchaser to another for the purpose of the other 's trade .
22 Each goal is planned for a week but some may possibly require longer ; our dieter will have to take extra time if it is taking her body longer to adjust than she anticipates at the start .
23 There is increased bacterial degradation of bile salts after cholecystectomy and the main degraded bile salt , deoxycholate , induces urgent defecation if it is instilled into the rectum .
24 a single prostitute who provides services in private premises to one client at a time without spectators is guilty of the common law offence of keeping a disorderly house if it is proved that the services provided are of such a character and are conducted in such a manner … that their provision amounts to an outrage of public decency or is otherwise calculated to harm the public interest to such an extent as to call for condemnation and punishment .
25 An increase in real output per capita may not even increase potential economic welfare if it is accompanied by negative externalities , an increase in the number of hours worked or increased production of investment goods at the expense of consumer goods .
26 ‘ I know the piece ’ , he wrote ; ‘ it is a very silly play and the translation will have to be altered a great deal if it is to work as an opera …
27 Further the ethical positivist will reject the move towards giving the organs of international law teeth of a physical sort to any significant degree , on the grounds that this undermines the ethical authority of the system and in present circumstances renders impossible the move towards the developments required in international law if it is to act as an acceptable method of dispute resolution .
28 ‘ A good argument is a good argument if it is made and made only once , ’ he said .
29 A peppercorn does not cease to be good consideration if it is established that the promisee does not like pepper and will throw away the corn .
30 A corporate personality can become a tangible asset if it is managed properly and consistently .
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