Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is with the greatest possible pleasure that I write to you once more , this time to confirm that your Company 's independence has been preserved after a battle which has lasted over nine months .
2 Testing is the same sort of thing but this brings out the different functions that I talked about either summations or or products .
3 That old boy that I spoke to , when his he was with his daughter , I said you give me my bloody keys and you money !
4 Furthermore , bearing in mind the reservations about changes in different varieties that I expressed in section 5.2 above , the early date suggested here for the loss of the velar fricative does not affect the fact that there are dialects of English ( in Lowland Scotland ) which have not yet lost the fricative .
5 I 've got an interesting point that I relate about this job that when I went to see them , about starting this job , they said , Well , they never told me before I got in , they said er , We 've er we 've got no money so we ca n't pay you a very good wage , but er we 'll start you off with five pound a week , that 's all we can afford , well I was earning more than that , during the War , nineteen forty two .
6 Dame Elaine Kellett-Bowman : May I inform my right Hon. Friend that I lunch in the cafeteria every day ?
7 This is an interesting game that I discovered in the United States .
8 Britain 's membership of it has already done the untold harm to the British economy that I described in Chapter 5 ; the quicker the Government decides to abandon the objective of re-entering the ERM and to take back permanent control of the economy the better .
9 I pass on an interesting snippet that I read on a computer news net .
10 As to the type of employment the interesting feature that I experienced over the last two to three years as shown is that the inquiry level the type of inquiries has tended to focus on manufacturing and the attraction has been the quality of the work force , that is both in skill and its healthiness you know the liability and there are other issues in there too about where Britain is at these days in terms of immunisation wage levels , but it is the people that are themselves the major attractors so the potential work force in the locality that is the major attractor .
11 The bad news is the second difference from ordinary hydrogen that I alluded to , namely that whereas hydrogen is stable , muonic hydrogen is not .
12 The short brown gym tunic with its blue and gold woven girdle that I wore on my first day at Elmwood was a symbol of entry into a new world of lady-like refinement and academic elitism .
13 It was not till the following afternoon that I drove into Highburn .
14 The fixed positions that I saw with you
15 So I use the ordinary detergents that I keep in the cupboard for hand-washing and this works very well for me .
16 In some ways that was the classic sound that I had with Whitesnake , but that sound was n't usable in later , more AOR versions of either that band or even other things that I 've done ; all you can say is that it was right for that particular music .
17 ‘ So , given that I have a political opportunity , I tend to become an enthusiast harnessing the forces that are at work , trying to get the best out of them , trying to use them for the political purposes that I believe in .
18 Recently , from a series of parliamentary questions that I tabled to the Secretary of State for Scotland , it became clear that since his appointment he had not even bothered to contact the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority to discuss the storage and reprocessing of spent fuel at Dounreay .
19 Anyway I I bought a little book that I saw in one of the shops and it was er The Industrial Lawyer .
20 Yeah it 's recording at the moment , I just have to record basic conversations that I have with anybody .
21 Erm , I pressed yes for having liking my own body , and I do , erm but I also like the slight improvements that I make on it like erm my hair
22 Indeed one of the great worries that I have about life in general is the lack of growth which so may of our admirable people , particularly those who have not achieved educational qualifications , actually manage during their working lives .
23 It was this burning ambition that I took with me into 1986 .
24 It read : ‘ I ask you to consider that the effects of the legal action that I undertook in the Berne district court concerning my non-participation in the European Cup this year are null and void .
25 Actually I 've got a , I 've got a brilliant picture that I took outside the train .
26 The verdict was delivered with such casual brutality that I flushed with the shame of it — being kicked out like a clerk caught pinching pennies from the till .
27 I do not mean it in any ideological sense or historical sense or to be provocative but it 's very , it 's with very deep feelings that I speak to you today because you may not understand it but for me , after thirty three years in exile I was able to return to South Africa in nineteen ninety one and one of the first activities to which I was invited was the annual meeting of Cosatu And so when we say comrades in that sense , and thank you as comrades we mean it as comrades in arms .
28 Sir — It was with deep sadness that I heard of the death of Fred Daly , to date the only Irish winner of The Open .
29 It could read something like this : It is with continued concern that I write to you about the suffering of the Cambodian people and put forward the following suggestions re where government aid should be concentrated .
30 I began to despair in the local press I noticed an advert for an evening class , cookery for men being the young one in the family I plucked up courage and enrolled but it was great , with great apprehension that I went to the first class .
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