Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] is [vb pp] as the " in BNC.

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1 Total change is calculated as the sum of natural change and net international migration and excludes other changes such as movements of Armed Forces , the effects of changes in the definition of population , and other statistical adjustments .
2 Barrett 's columnar lined oesophagus is defined as the condition in which columnar type epithelium is found at least 3 cm above the distal end of the oesophagus as endoscopically defined .
3 Sexual intercourse is defined as the penetration of the penis into the vagina : ejaculation is not required , and the offence is committed as soon as penetration takes place , although it has been held that the offence continues throughout penetration ( so that if the woman revokes her consent during intercourse and the man fails to withdraw , he commits rape ) .
4 The hypothesis having the minimum value of linear distance is chosen as the closest .
5 Scottish salmon is regarded as the finest in the world .
6 This part of the Old World is known as the Badlands on account of it being dominated by interwarring Orc and Goblin tribes .
7 This interesting phenomenon is known as the Miller effect .
8 This is the same proposal , associated with the Port Royal grammar and earlier versions of Chomskyan grammar , which has already been mentioned in this chapter in connexion with prenominal attributives ( 3.2 and 3.3 ) ; or rather it is part of the same proposal , since the full clause with adjective in post-copular position is claimed as the " origin " for both sorts of attributive .
9 Despite his present claim to have deliberately avoided definitions , Moscovici has , in fact , offered a definition of social representation in an article published over 20 years ago : ‘ Social representation is defined as the elaborating of a social object by the community for the purpose of behaving and communicating ’ ( 1963 : 251 ) .
10 Smoked or tinted material is preferred as the instruments constructed can be more easily seen when set aside .
11 The nomination of a specific cargo is made as the time for delivery approaches and the right to obtain delivery of this cargo may have to be transferred to buyers in different parts of the globe .
12 This series of simple reactions is known as the reaction mechanism .
13 Company policy states : ‘ Annual remuneration is defined as the employee 's basic salary as a result of the move .
14 It must however , be carefully controlled because it is essential that a cover of perennial rather than annual grasses is maintained as the latter are more susceptible to drought .
15 The intersegmental sclerite is known as the spinasternum ( or poststernellum ) and is produced internally into a peg-like apodeme which , with the furca , provides areas for the attachment of the ventral longitudinal muscles .
16 The interface between weathered material and unweathered bedrock is known as the weathering front .
17 This issue of a candidate 's personal integrity is known as the ‘ Zipper Test ’ ( often euphemised as the ‘ Character Question ’ ) but in Britain adultery or promiscuity is now only a terminal problem if the politician lies about his exploits ( since Lucrezia Borgia women have rarely figured as dissipated politicians ) .
18 Lawrence also celebrates the ‘ other ’ , but often as a foil for the integrity of self ; affirmation of one 's own pure self is presented as the precondition for recognizing the other .
19 The central rod is known as the Sushumna and corresponds to the spinal column .
20 The block grant from central government is calculated as the difference between the GRP and what the authority plans to spend , so long as this expenditure is below a government assessment of what the local authority should spend .
21 Female fertility is measured in eggs per day , and male fertility is measured as the percentage of progeny relative to a standard competitor .
22 Simple margin is defined as the average return on the FRN throughout its life compared with the reference rate of interest .
23 GREG WHYTE The new boy on the squad , this 24-year-old teacher is known as the court jester on the international circuit .
24 At a time the stress is reduced to times the original value and this characteristic time is known as the relaxation time τ .
25 The loss from taking up the unsubscribed shares is calculated as the difference between the market price on the last day of the offer and the subscription price , where n is equal to the number of shares taken up by the underwriters , P , i , m ; is the market price on the last day of the offer , P , i , s ; is the subscription price .
26 When the pleuron as a whole is fused with the sternum the combined sclerite is known as the pectus .
27 Strong leadership is seen as the solution to the problems of the chaotic stage .
28 A linear decrease in refractive index is observed as the temperature increases , and as the transition is passed , the rate of decrease becomes greater ; T g is again taken as the intersection of the linear extrapolation .
29 The recognition of a word during reading is the process by which a purely visual stimulus is understood as the symbol for a specific meaning .
30 For many endoscopists , the squamous columnar junction is considered as the representative of the oesophagogastric junction and the segment distal to it is frequently thought of as a ‘ hiatal hernia ’ , because of the presence of gastric mucosa .
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