Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it 's [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Orcadian dialect it 's often said has no words of endearment no dears or darlings but I think perhaps came as near to it as any word .
2 That means imperialism means in a way they 're the French market it 's well known , and , makes itself sell at much a than in its , in its own country , so you can say that for example Thompson has a monopoly tower , most European and have a monopoly tower
3 It wo n't , for example , recognize joined-up writing and even with individual letters it 's so hit and miss that you ca n't write at any speed because you have to go back to correct all the mistakes it makes .
4 No well I feel in the long run it 's probably wasting money because erm we keep bodging it up which costs money , we might just as well see how much it is to get it and do it , and do it erm .
5 The Bank along with Jimmy Hill Have shaken on a deal , With common aims and much good will It 's virtually sealed .
6 I mention that not in any boastful sense it 's only to reassure you that if I can do that then I , I ca n't be very much out of giving the wrong gen .
7 A good idea is to attach stickers announcing when the last change was made : otherwise , you can be running a clapped-out tube at the very time it 's most needed .
8 Erm be far side it 's right keep going out and out .
9 I mean Halloween is it 's a pagan ritual it 's there to worship the devil it 's the most poignant date in the calendar if you want to get into black magic if you want to dance naked round er a sheep 's heart with sticks stuck through it .
10 I think , yeah , it was my dad said , that the way they try to do combined science it 's like doing a combined maths and English paper .
11 So few people know first aid ( for some strange reason it 's not taught in most schools ) that you may be the only one who can plug the wound and stop the bleeding .
12 Er , see when , when s , when I say worship it er , it sounds like er , er playing some rituals or something like this , but there 's no ritual in the Sikh faith it 's just remembering God .
13 But do n't worry about the radioactive source it 's not gon na do you any harm whatsoever .
14 And in the nineteen thirties America went into the worst economic depression it 's ever seen and the state governments were literally overwhelmed by the economic hardship and the economic problems and the federal government came galloping to the rescue .
15 It 's not exactly a right angle it 's not drawn to scale .
16 No , no , you see it 's the fact that you 're working , your conditions , your environment , if you 're working in a certain place it 's almost built up in the beginning .
17 Because you have n't got it in the correct mode it 's not working algebraic .
18 Now the G M B parliamentary group is a powerful and influential organization it 's well balanced between front-benchers and back-benchers , between men and women and between the youthful and , how shall I put it , the more experienced and as you would expect , its members are prominent in the attack on this weak , incompetent , and rudderless Conservative government .
19 Montserrat itself is a major religious centre , and in addition to the religious facilities it 's well set up for tourists and climbers with a cafe , bakery , bar and essential ice cream store .
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