Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it [verb] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In due course it became apparent that all of mathematics could be made to rest upon a set-theoretic base .
2 At first , researchers attempted to place this style in the area from which it was assumed to originate — perhaps Persia , China or Central Asia — but through historical research it became clear that this was based on the false premise that the cloth was made in the original style of a certain group of people .
3 On careful examination it became clear that the cartouche had been engraved .
4 OSF/1 was ACE 's primary Unix focus when the initiative was launched amidst much fanfare last year , but over the following months it became clear that DEC was the only major ACE member committed to using the operating system .
5 In the early stages it became apparent that the conference would go further than Kerekou had anticipated in discussion of future political reforms .
6 When attention was given to individual children it became clear that a far more effective way of viewing the disabled was not in terms of handicap but in terms of personal need .
7 In view of these discrepant results it seems unlikely that coexisting HBV infection plays a significant role in the aetiopathogenesis of alcohol related liver damage , at least in areas of low HBV prevalence such as Britain .
8 In the following year it became clear that fascism was not confined to Germany and Italy but was a development common to all European countries .
9 Even at this early stage it seems clear that different models of participation are appropriate for different types of service user , and experiment is necessary to find a form with which users are comfortable .
10 Having had the benefit of extensive discussions with many of our large shareholders it became clear that the proposals in their entirety did not have support although many features won warm approval . ’
11 As an apparently domestic residence it seems strange that it replaced a timber structure which has been interpreted as a temple , although time elapsed between the latter 's destruction and the building of the house ; it is unusual to find so deliberate a secularization of a religious site in the Roman world .
12 It had a small receptive field that was somewhat elongated vertically , and on examination with elongated stimuli it became clear that it responded well to a vertical bar but not at all to a horizontal bar .
13 Since the core Ser-Gln sequence is flanked on both sides by acidic residues it seemed possible that there may be some degeneracy in that one Glu residue may be sufficient to maintain recognition by the DNA-PK .
14 Near its distal extremity it carries one or more tibial spurs .
15 The name is somewhat misleading , since in ancient times it seems likely that the division of life into ‘ sacred ’ and ‘ secular ’ had no meaning : the whole of life was considered sacred , as were artistic and other creations .
16 In the succeeding months it became plain that the determination of American leaders to play the key role in shaping the new world order was to clash with the equally determined insistence of the Russians that their interests were of paramount importance over a large part of the globe .
17 With a good downpour it seemed probable that the bedroom ceiling below would come down .
18 Although the International Law Commission did not consider directly the liability of a member State for the acts of an international organisation it seems likely that these two requirements would nevertheless be applicable .
19 Example — a vessel insured for $1,500 and following a major casualty it becomes clear that it can not be repaired for less than $1,700 .
20 For those who do not have addictive diseases it seems incongruous that some sufferers will pursue their addiction to death , either through the consequences of the addiction or through suicide at the sense of hopelessness that is the hallmark of sufferers from the primary disease , - but that is the nature of the addiction .
21 Although the sun shone on its ancient walls it looked cold and forbidding .
22 Once she had recovered full consciousness it became clear that she had entirely lost the power of speech .
23 Within a short while it became clear that this policy was damaging the rice crop .
24 Arthur Price chairman John Price says : ‘ 13/0 certainly looks as bright and as cheerful as 18/8 but after it has been in use for a short while it goes dull and then grey and , after a year or so , stains and pitmarks develop which can not be removed . ’
25 Distinguishing between a multiplicity of variables in accounting for policy variations is , of course , a hazardous exercise , but despite the methodological difficulties it seems clear that a simple agency model , with local authorities implementing national policies with little or no discretion , is far from accurate .
26 Until the status of teaching improves in the medical profession it seems unlikely that doctors in training will choose to make the efforts necessary to acquire teaching skills .
27 Even on this hot day it felt cool and clammy to her bare feet , and then , as contrast , came the baking hot flags of the terrace .
28 With the acquisition of the Southern Collection it became apparent that the accommodation allocated to the Theatre Collection was seriously inadequate .
29 In general terms it seemed clear that the prevalence of tied peasants inhibited the development of industry , which was regarded as requiring free labour .
30 Although augmented now by police powers to give instructions in the control of processions and assemblies and the new crime of offensive conduct it seems likely that they will continue to be of immense practical importance .
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