Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and he [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was an exciting story and he told it well .
2 He looked into her kind brown eyes and he told her his story .
3 Yeah , I found , only because I went out one night , and , it was when Mike was still next door and what I 'd done I 'd locked him in the back room and he said he was howling
4 Her words were an implied criticism and he read her well .
5 Six months in the top flight and he thinks he 's f***ing Brian Sewell to the football world .
6 I thought he was rather a funny man and he thought I was rather a funny girl .
7 And Archie tied one of the ropes to the box of groceries and we pull it across ; and then we tie the other rope to the empty box and he pull it across empty ready to fill it up again .
8 But I had a really good music teacher in high school and he taught me relative pitch .
9 He was then involved in civil defence and he took me to see a trial designed to show that air-raid shelters built to government specifications were death-traps .
10 They were chilling words and he resented them because he felt prohibited from asking her to explain them .
11 It was his first real tragedy and he took it very badly .
12 Yet , obvious a performance though it was , behind it lay a real anguish and he knew it , and knew he could n't help it .
13 ‘ My father was a professor of Roman studies and he chose it , ’ she said automatically , but then her eyes flicked to his in alarm .
14 [ 2 ] He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long-gone pride and he put it against the fish 's agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side , his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff , and started to pass the boat , long , deep , wide , silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water .
15 And when I hear that , when you 're working you 're talking as well and he , he , he was a good talker and , and he , you know , he was a good union , a good clever speaker and he impressed me .
16 He sat with me and watched Jo Spence 's documentary on her fight against a serious illness and he admired her for her spirit and for using her work to get through her situation .
17 ‘ And then Grant gets that primeval male thing and he thinks he should be doing more .
18 It is a poem which uses plain , simple language and he holds it together using onomatopoeia and effective rhyme but you do not feel as if there is one definite clear-cut image or message in it .
19 Jenna looked up at him with tear-drenched eyes and he wiped them almost absently , his mind clearly in the past .
20 He got a little overtime and he made it go a long way .
21 She just looked up at him with bewildered eyes and he put her firmly away , turning to launch himself into the water .
22 It er er he pleated the he the halter into the tail of the leading horse and he took them down the road in a string like a train .
23 Oh yes you told me this that I was doing hard labour and he said I was building the building .
24 It sprang into bright white light and he covered it with its glass globe .
25 The skin beneath them gradually swells until eventually the eggs are seated in little sockets and he carries them until they hatch .
26 She was a fine person and he knew they related to each other , shared the same sense of humour .
27 Unless he 's got a monthly account and he keeps it in a book !
28 He was polishing glasses and he held them up to the light to check them and thereby seemed to be ignoring Maidstone completely .
29 He had got wind of a rumour that Vincent planned to sponge off his rich relatives and he hoped it was n't true .
30 Ask why John does n't use traditional Fenders and he tells you he does n't want to be limited in how he plays : ‘ Like , an A has to be played there , a G there and so on .
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