Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] in [noun] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 The Whig reformers had their own political views in mind when they described the typical Scottish politician as a man whose position was secured by extensive bribery of a small venal electorate concerned only with individual advantage , or , alternatively , by the politician ignoring the true electorate and placing reliance upon nominal and fictitious voters who had been added to the freeholders rolls in the counties .
2 It 's not just health problems they suffer but many people can get really depressed living in houses where they have to keep washing the mould off the walls .
3 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
4 WELSH Secretary John Redwood has warned the Welsh people that they must put up with strangers buying new houses and speaking in foreign accents in pubs if they want jobs .
5 Before he became Home Secretary Morrison had argued that the best way for Jews to prevent anti-semitism was to ensure that they could not be blamed for social injustices in areas where they lived .
6 BARONESS Thatcher last night called for air strikes against Serbian troops in Bosnia if they refuse to pull out within 48 hours .
7 In their struggle to gain control of the wool tax the commons arguably gained more by agreeing to grant the tax and receiving in return concessions on free trade in wool than they would have achieved by seeking to abolish the tax .
8 ‘ Managers value different attributes in men than they do in women , which often reinforces gender stereotypes . ’
9 The Wallabies knew there was high interest in Australia when they prepared for the semi-final and final matches .
10 Meanwhile , two British aid workers held by Muslim forces in Bosnia after they became involved in gun-running have been released , it was disclosed today .
11 Helvin was already and established model in Japan when they met , and was becoming extremely popular in Europe .
12 But I can tell you it gave them all a good laugh in casualty when they discovered what had happened . ’
13 An accumulation of reforms may in fact bring into existence a very different kind of society , and reformist parties may be led , by circumstances and by their responses to them , into advocating and implementing more substantial changes in society than they had originally envisaged .
14 ‘ To invade those poor people in Poland when they 're only just getting over the last war . ’
15 Never conventional homeowners , the Stewarts , from the West Coast of Scotland , lived in an 18th-century house in Spitalfields when they took their textile business to London .
16 But there was a setback on Saturday when the French National League 's ( FNL ) disciplinary committee failed to make any ruling at a nine-hour meeting in Paris because they said they did not have enough evidence .
17 They present convex outlines in plan whether they are simple or compound deltas , composed virtually of a series of sub-deltas .
18 Of the reasons why females so often fail to make it to the very top , two are basic : some of the best women managers do not achieve their full potential in business because they do not know how exceptional they are , and others fail to get a boardroom seat because they lack the confidence .
19 FUNDRAISERS had a double surprise in store when they handed over two cheques to charity .
20 He and his wife , Kathy , moved from a large thatched house in Berkshire when they bought the property eight years ago .
21 As we stepped into the street , behind the others , as grateful for the iced Cokes in prospect as they were , she whispered to me : ‘ You are doing well , Adolph .
22 Cities such as Glasgow and Edinburgh were placed in the same sort of category as non-metropolitan districts in England although they had populations larger than the more rural regions and all the island councils .
23 If not at yet another matinee of Swan Lake during the flat season , I am usually in front of a television set fascinated by the fine-boned , immaculately-trained and groomed creatures and then by their sheer grace in motion once they begin to race .
24 The heads of government had regional integration in mind when they formed the Caribbean Community ( Caricom ) in 1973 .
25 They almost tarnished their clean-living image in Belgium when they inadvertently visited a brothel .
26 And in July 1986 , 28 women were teargassed in their communal cell in Pollsmoor when they demanded to know why they were being held .
27 I should be a good deal more impressed with the Government 's determination to deal with weapons of mass destruction in Iraq if they did not have such questionable record on assisting Iraq to obtain a nuclear capability .
28 ‘ I find it interesting that we have produced more players of other colours in rugby than they have in our cricket .
29 As Stein and Carey ( 1986 ) have pointed out , independence is often thrust upon young people in care when they reach the age of eighteen , regardless of their readiness to cope alone .
30 New powers to lock up children overnight may reflect the concern of Home Office ministers about crimes committed by some young people in care when they persistently abscond from children 's homes .
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